Which death?

How would you rather die?

  • Stabbed/Slitted Wrists

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Shot

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Poison

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Drowned

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hung

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frozen/Burned

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Dehydration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Suffocating

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fall

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 31.3%

  • Total voters
Ever heard of a certain ninja poison involving blood and horse sh*t? That poison causes immense pain and you die in a week.

i was talking about a normal painless poison not a special poison that is meant to cause more pain
i can't decide between Burning or being Shot.
Hm... I'd have to pick shot between those two. Burning... that could really take awhile. o_O;

I think my second choice out of all would be drowning, and third would be stabbed. As long as it had nothing to do with thin long, things, like needles. I'm a big time wuss about needles. *Shivers violently*
Other than old age, i guess a gun shot to the back of the head.
Other, in my sleep. I'd like to go the most peaceful way out and possibly beside my future husband.
I'd like to have an earthquake occur and crack open the Earth while a train derails and a plane comes hurling down and I try to light a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that the gas stove has been running all day with the windows down, filling the house with gas. And live. Then die when the ambulance veers off the road to avoid hitting a squirrel crossing the road.
Oh, man. How often does that happen?
I'd like to have an earthquake occur and crack open the Earth while a train derails and a plane comes hurling down and I try to light a cigarette, oblivious to the fact that the gas stove has been running all day with the windows down, filling the house with gas. And live. Then die when the ambulance veers off the road to avoid hitting a squirrel crossing the road.
Oh, man. How often does that happen?

Calvin and Hobbes idea much?

Shame on you
I've have accidentaly swallowed poison before. (Dared to eat a dead bug. Didn't think the reason it was dead was because of poison, stupid me.) And I gotta tell you, it'd be so horrible 'cause your stomach feels like it's being squished, and you can't stop vomiting for days. If you did die by poison, I think it'd be really horrible, I'd be wanting death.

I don't think I'd have the courage to die by suicide.... At best, maybe drowning myself.
hehe im definetly not courageous enough to suicide... not even drown i love water and fire!!! i would choose umm either fall or umm other.... pouisoning would include suffering for a while depending on wat you wer poisoned with... :'(
i would say that OD ing on drugs would be a pretty good way to go. you would feel really high before you died. or alcohol poisioning, but not over a long period of time, but like in one night
A sleep without feeling it =others

Along without anyone knowing it (I dont whant someone feels sorry about my lost).