Which Enemies Give You Fits?

you see everybody!!! you see tidus 93, the seeds, blue mage, class c! i'm not alone! thank you wolvatron! gosh, everyone i know thought i was a flippin' idiot for doing that! finally, someone to relate to!
you see everybody!!! you see tidus 93, the seeds, blue mage, class c! i'm not alone! thank you wolvatron! gosh, everyone i know thought i was a flippin' idiot for doing that! finally, someone to relate to!

yeah. don't feel bad. it was one frickin' tough battle.

i remember thinking to myself, "well, that rogue tomato was pretty easy, i'm sure this guy isn't too hard."

WRONG! he has 3 wolves surrounding him, and he's huge. yeah man, it was tough.
Plain and simple: Overlords.

These damn things randomly appear in the Necronal of Nubudis and when they cast their Annul spell, it wipes out all MP which is more useful and needed in this Final Fantasy game, than in any other FF game to date.
thextera wasnt that difficult but if you were at level 3 then of course but at level 6 or 7 its a peice of cake

bow down before the best
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Any flying creature because telekinesis isn't as strong as my main attack
etems are worst than oversouls cause they are even more powerful
grrr they are invisioble and come out when you least expect them
you can't run away cause they teleport and youll be dead very quickly
they cast annul (takes all mp away)
they cast doom
they cast death grrrr
the last marks. Omega and hell wyrm too

Oh yes, and I HATE the Anull skill >_>
the jellies that multiply when you kill them. they're in some mine, can't remember which. at the level i was in there, the ONLY way to kill them was to drop them with a massive quickening, and even then i had to be lucky to get them dead before they spawned more.

Oh, those flans?! Ugh, I hate those too! I think they're at um...Lhusu Mines? I could be wrong. But yeah, I almost died there. Usually I'd just run away from them.

And I hate those elemental foes too! You know, those ones that comes out when the weather's bad or something? They annoy the heck out of me. They can inflict major damage, it's not even funny! But one day I was brave enough to face them and I won three battles. :)

Hmm, Trickster gave me a fit too. Even to this day, I haven't defeated him yet. But that's because I can't even find him! I mean, he just wouldn't show up! He showed up the first time I got to the Mt. Whatever, but after dying so many times, I continued with the storyline and when I went back later, he wouldn't show his face. Pfft, I think he got scared because I got stronger. Lol.
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I'll be randomly battling my way through the Nechronal of Nubrudis and of course every 5 secodns i'm bum-rushed by an Oversoul. The worst part is the Annul move which depletes fully one of the characters MP. Son of a Submariner...
I'd say the elements when they get angry
teh, sometimes I run a way to other area
to avoid facing this magic jealous element
the elemental arent really annoying they are just hard if you are a low lv :)
the entites are even harder in my opinion ^_^
I hate the bombs

Those freaking bombs in the stillshrine of miriam pissed me off. Although they werent hard they were annoying when you got into a group of em.
I agree with you with the bombs, but the one's in the Great Crystal gave me the hardest time. I usually had to run away, but I'm still proud I only beat a group of them once.