Which FF character are you?

Yay - well that was my FF7 result

Yay me ff9 result :D

o_0 if you say so then......


w00t! Hey, what can I say? We both have long, long...long blonde hair (okay, his is a little MORE blonde...okay, his is silver), and we both prefer katanas. Really long katanas. We were both affected by reactors, and suffer from the aftermath of radtiation and we both like Cloud >.> ...jah, the last one was just for fun. ^_^

BTW, I'm not evil, or a genius in any way.

... ... ...mmm'k maybe just a little evil...when I want to be.
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How do we know we exist? Maybe we don't..

Sweet! My all-time favorite FF character! Although it would be really cool if Vivi could use a kitana instead of a staff. Maybe a magic kitana which could be imbued with magic, like Steiner's swords.