Which FF character can you RELATE to the most?

Squall Leonhart (at the beginning of the game). Only mentally though, I like nothing like Squall (though I'd be pretty darn sexy if I did xD).
I don't like attention and I'm definitely not a leader. I have no friends that I'm genuinely close to, and I pretend that it doesn't bother me. I really do care about what others think about me, and I feel like not getting close to people is the best way to go.

...wow that all sounded very depressing o.o
I am...... Vaan. I am an idiot, but a lovable idiot (at least I hope I'm lovable :sad3: ) and I always want to help out and take the lead, even if I shouldn't be the main character of the game. LOL XD yeah, I am Vaan, at least in that sense. I can't think of anybody else. Maybe Quina, because we both like food. :hmmm:
Hope, I also lost someone and also held blame to someone I know who is directly related to her death. I resent that person and I also wish to change time.

Tidus, same situation as mentioned above. I dont want to be dark and depressing though. So I wont explain exactly how.
Well, back in the late 90's to the early 2000's I felt a lot like Squall. Squall responded to a lot of situations the way I would have, and our thought processes were very much the same. Now, I feel more like Cid in FF4. I have no idea why.
laguna loire -

I can relate to the nervousness and being awkward around the opposite sex. his personality is quite similar, I also suspect he is kind of introverted despite being friendly.

barret wallace -

he gets pissed off pretty easy, short temper. also can be a bit isolated and a loner and has some inner demons he battles.
I can relate to Squall's feelings of wanting to be on his own, although i am more socially selective than socially isolated. Not a fan of Squall's petulant whining qualities though. I can relate to Cloud on a few levels. Mostly the feeling of suppressing truths etc...I can also relate to the Turks, especially Reno, who seems to have a good balance between duty and humanity, but that is all relative i suppose...

Eh, I guess Laguna in the sense that I don't deal well with anxiety. There was a time when that had reached a point where I'd almost have a panic attack just from conversing with a stranger. I've never been nervous around the opposite sex, mind, just people in general. I also get really bad cramp in my legs when I'm really anxious.

More down to personality, I guess I would say Steiner. I have a very simplistic outlook on life and don't look too much into things. I'm very passionate about everything, can be very protective, and I am rather confrontational about things I don't like.
Many of my friends call me mean and even cold-hearted...I don't mean to be so but I have a hard time at reading other people so sometimes I don't know when to stop playing around. Some have even called me a bully, though I try not to be. I actually do care about people I just have a hard time of showing it the right way. I'm more of the 'tough love' kind of guy. So the character I would mostly relate to is Jecht
Once I've done a test to discover which FF character I was: Cecil was the answer.
I don't know if I'm really similar to Cecil, however I like this character because he is loyal as a true knight and he is able to leave the dark side of the world for the right one. It's difficult, when we are in the darkness, to decide to leave the Evil for the Good but he does.
I don't know if, now, I am a Dark Knight or a Paladin but I hope to have the same strenght of Cecil O:

Despite the answer of the test I'm sure I can relate to Squall. Since the first time I've played FFVIII i've always thought he is me and for this reason I am so attached to him. I can find me in his loneliness ( in his research of loneliness..), in his feelings and in his thoughts.
I am a bit cold as Squall is and silent (I don't like speaking very much..plus, I think it's worth to speak only when there is someone able to understand and hear to you, not just listen). Then, as well as Squall, I don't matter if around me there is a lot of people, the only important thing is that there is one person who loves me sincerly. Hoping that this person won't go away and leave me alone again O: