Which FF first?


Nov 14, 2006
As most of you know, I'm new to FF. And I'm just wondering, which is the BEST Final Fantasy game to start off with?

I'm not a big fan of poopy graphics, and I hate that stupid "take turn" form of combat (you know like pokemon a monster appears and then you take turns killing eachother).
Either FFX-2 or FFXII - it is closer to having more realistic battles.
I recommend two, although one of them has bad graphics:
FFVII and FFIX. two great starter FFs. I started the series with FFIX, which i just finished. Now you have to take in consideration that FFVII was made in 97-98, so forgive the blocky characters. Storyline-wise, FFIX is the way to go. or you may want to jump right into the new one, whatever's your choice!:)
i think u should start with final fantasy III it's awesome, although i am not even barely started compared to other people. i played the other games and they just weren't the same as this, this one pulled me in
I'd go with VII first.

But if you're serious about not wanting older graphics and such, then go with X.
I'd recommend starting out with FFVII. It's really a great game, and will give you a feel for what the FF games are like. Though, it's a challenge, you'll enjoy it while it lasts.
I don't know what to suggest since you don't like the role-play style. Since that's how all FFs are.

Either way, if you have an emulator and whatnot, try FF5 on SNES. No great graphics, but you said you don't mind. The system is very fun to explore and i think it will get you a good idea of the basics of FF strategy.

Though Ihave to warn you against rushing through the game. If you do that and don't take care leveling up you'll bump into some extremely difficult battles.