Which FF Skill system do you guys like

Overall, I liked the junction system in VIII. It was complex, but I thought it was a lot of fun.

The worst... I don't really have a dislike against any of them in general, except for VII's system which could get boring at times. :dry:
I love IX's, probably because I'm mostly familiar with it. I love the way it is easy to understand. The stats that the weapon/armour/item has are on the side, the ability you can learn is on the menu and how much you have left to learn it is displayed. Really easy to follow.

I love X-2's. (One question, do you learn new attacks by using the ones you have? Eg, if I use "Fire", will that give me one more point towards learning a new magic spell? Or is it the number of battles you've fought?) I love the way it is really easy to follow. Equip the dress-sphere, and you can instantly look up how far you have to go until you've learned the spell.

I like XII's License Board. Easy to understand. Bottom board for weapons, armour and quickenings, top board for spells, items, technicks and quickenings. It took me a while to realise that buying a spell from the LB wasn't enough; you need to buy it from the shop aswell ... I still need to buy Libra :\

X's Sphere Grid was OK. Time consuming to say the least. It was easy, just level up and use a sphere on the grid that you want to activate, upping your stats or getting an ability. But, it took ages to get to said ability/spell. T_T

VIII's Juctioning confuses me a bit. I can't really say much on this, since I've not played much of this game. At the minute I'm a bit iffy ... but I might get better at it :)

So, for me:

IX (Favourite)
VIII (Least Favourite)
i liked VII's materia system a lot, buuut. i liked the sphere grid the most becuase it was so vast and it took a lot of work if you wanted to complete it (which i never did). you could customize your characters exactly how you wanted to if you had all the right spheres, and your characters could become insanely powerful.
I liked all of them except VIII's, that's what makes it less good for me I think as the ability system is a major factor in the game.

I liked the GF stuff but the junctioning was just rlly gay.
IX the coolest of all imo ^^.

X-2 is pretty good too, I liked those dress spheres.
I loved the materia system. I really can't place my finger on what it was about it. I think I liked the strategy about it I guess. You couldn't just have everyone have everything, until you got the mast magic, command, and summon materias. Next would be the license board and sphere grid, followed by everything else.
I liked the Junction system from VIII, I found it more interesting and original than any of the other Final Fantasy games. I wouldn't like to see it again though, as much as I liked it I would prefer they keep it to VIII.
The materia system from FF VII was the one for me it was really flexible and fairly easy to use unlike the sphere grid which was a farce, i couldn't be bothered prancing around some massive grid but it had to be done.
I loved the sphere grid in X, first I was like skeptical because Im not fond of change, bit now it's easily the best, I swear I spent hours, planning my moves and saving up my spheres just so I could do a whole set of moves at once

I thought VIII's was ok, but it had a huge flaw; mking magic all but useless, so as much as I liked it, and Im not even magic user, no to that one

I also really liked the flexibility of the materia combos in VII, pretty much do as you will and create pretty much any kind of set up you wish - but also on that note, I really like IX for its set skills and having to learn them and equip the crystals as needed for certain things :3

Overall though, I think I prefer X's, I enjoyed that sphere grid FAR too much xD
Contrary to most people, I liked the Junction System from FFVIII, but it was the first one I played, so I got used to it. I also like the sphere grid from FFX, but I didn't like the non levelling, because I couldn't tell at a glance how powerful I was.
I love both the Materia system of VII and the Sphere grid system of X.

FFVII: you can select how you have your skills set out. Weather you want a character to be a summoner, paladin or a knight It's your choice.

FFX: is just a great way to choose weather your characters have high speed or high defence its completely up to you as to how you raise your chaacters statistics.
Ultimately, I liked all the systems, each was different and required different dedication in different areas. I found the junction system in VIII forced me to constantly be aware of what magic I was using, how much magic I had in stock, and taught me patience. I appreciated finally have 100 of x magic in stock, it felt like it was a reward for my dedication for trudging through the dull process of drawing magic. It also forced me to pay more attention to my enemies, whereas in other games, I was able to ignore most of the stats and information of an enemy, and would simply hack and slash.

I am currently enjoying FFXII's system, as much as I enjoyed X's system. It is a nice change from having specific characters only able to perform specific things. On the other hand, I enjoyed IX because each character had unique abilities, forcing me to actually plan who would be in my party for each area/battle/boss.

I also really enjoyed the materia system in VII. Again, it was very rewarding. Especially when I had finally unlocked the maximum amount of power/abilities for each materia. Also taught me patience.

I felt each system was a nice change from time to time. Each FF game introduced entirely new gameplay, or tweaks of similar gameplay, and it kept them feeling fresh. Even though I'm not a fan of the storyline (minus the ending) of X-2, or the fillers... I did enjoy the battle system, and the other tweaks involved.
The best system for me was the sphere grid it aloud for complete control over your characters but like Zombie said eacfh unique in its own way and presented challenges
I will say this the only drawback for any skill system was with the junction system in FFVIII with it being completely dependant on GF's
Ehhh... I was going to say the License Board is my favorite, but then I remembered how much I hate having to earn points to be able to equip weapons and stuff. So I'm tied between materia and the Sphere Grid.
IX , VII , VI , V

All for different reasons. It is hard to chose one.
VII, because of the combination you could create.
V, had its Job System which was a blast to play with.
IX, It was simple and effective, and forced you to keep weapons and items around until you learned the skill from them.
VI, another simple system to use, and very powerful seeing as you could get most of your characters all the spells.
I like the fact that its different every time. But I must say I really liked the IX and VII ones. The VIII junction system was irritating. How you had to set up everything again when the dreams came. And it was hard to understand in the beginning.
IX I liked because you could actually learn something from the equipment. Rather than equipping one thing and losing abilities of that item when you change it to something else.
Then the materia system in VII, I like that because you can choose who you give certain abilities to. And the stuff gets better the more you use it.
The sphere grid and licence board were a bit to easy in my opinion. Didn't really need you to think hard about it. X-2 was ok too. Again like in IX you had to gain points before you could use certain abilities, but like X and XII it didn't require that much thought.
And as for the rest, I'm sad to say that I haven't had the chance to fully explore those systems.
i would have to say the sphere grid because you can take great control of your character and use it to the limit.
I disagree with that, because in the beginning, you follow a pretty straightforward path and in the end, all the characters are basically the same. Just like with the Licence board.
im a noob in a way because the only games i have played fully through are VII, X ,XII. (i am collecting the rest btw)

to be honest, i really like the way X + XII rounds all of the characters into one big group so that they all can learn because if you are like me then you can just choose what you want your characters to be like instraed of just goin for the strongest