Which FFVIII Character Are You?


"You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one."

I already did this quizz in another place three times and I got Squall.
Now I took a different quizz twice and I got Squall....again!!!
Man I'm not so......ahhh whatever...
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You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

I changed some of the answers in three different times and guess what? I've got Squall...again...
Hey I'm not so....lifeless in real life (well just a little Quiet, somber, and lonely) ahhhh whatever it seems I'll accept my results..I can't complain about it. So I'm Squall...yeahhh....whatever...
yeah i know what you mean I got sefier again


You're Seifer. Mean and obsessed with your own fantasies, you are in need of counselling.

You are Rinoa. Innocent and dependent, you can get annoying at times. Still, you have a very good heart, so your friends keep you around.

and i am a guy omg this is cool ^^ i so like rinoa hehe
As it turns out, this time i get Zell...

You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love.

first i was Rinoa... I think i'm becoming a darker person...
on the ff-fan one i got seifer
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hey hey wait for me hehe

It made me


You're Headmaster Cid. You are never afraid to use people, especially young children, because they're the easiest to train.

515 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 33104 times.
4% of people had this result.
Haha I figured I be Quistis

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You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love.

W00t! Thats totaly me!