Which FFVIII Character Are You?

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<span style="font-size:12px; color:rgb(255,255,255); padding:3px; font-family:Arial;"><strong>Which Final Fantasy VIII character are you?</strong></span>
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<center><img src="http://images.quizilla.com/E/Edenne/1037570418_sFF8squall.jpg"><br/>You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.<br/>Take this <a target="quizilla" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" href="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/Edenne/quizzes/Which+Final+Fantasy+VIII+character+are+you%3F">quiz</a>!<br/>

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wow wotcha know...

You are Selphie. You're cute and cuddly on the outside, but pack quite a punch within.
Take this quiz!

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Well, I really don't think I'm as bouncy and hyper as her.... >.>
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You're Seifer. Mean and obsessed with your own fantasies, you are in need of counselling.

I am seifer, which I have to say suits me well. And he is one of the best characters

You are Laguna. You love cliches, but lack a good 'way' with words.

680 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 34847 times.
4% of people had this result.

Laguna sweet!?, and not many people get this result. Awesome!

You are Quistis. Although mature and intelligent, you still manage to make the mistake of crushing on your students. *Tsk* shame on you.

Hmm not bad, kinda expected that , wanted RInoa but still. I guess she is closest in personality to me.
Thank God! The only character with some sort of character and sense of humor!

"You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love."

However, whoever made up these descriptions didn't do a very good job. Those are not Zell's main characteristics...
You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.
tsh, Squall, only saw that coming from a mile away,

i often found that many of the things and situations that Squall went thro, i could connect to easyly, he was never a very social person (much like myself) he always seemed to have something on his mind, but any time anyone noticed, he would disregard it, not wanting to share his feelings (insanly very much like myself)
