Which FFVIII Character Are You?


You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

i can't believe i got squall!! last time i took another test, i got seifer(he's my sig)
YES!!! I knew I was squall! And to think, I could have saved time by NOT taking the test. I gave it a 5/5 rating. That was really cool.
Well i got Squall, which i don't believe i think i'm more of a Zell myself *finish eating hot dog* well the test can only pick out of a few people so i think i was only one away from geting Zell must be
I swear this has got to be one of the worst quiz things... THere has been an occassional Seifer or Rinoa... the rest are all Squall's. lol It's because how the questions are layed out. It's so damn obvious. Fanboys can pick what they want... but not only that, the rest of the choices are moronic.

Question #1: The World is on fire, would you...
A.) Play with your hair
B.) Play with your whip
C.) Hike your yellow skirt up
D.) Be serious and try to help
E.) Eat a hotdog

It's like "Well, shit... I think I'd play with my skirt"... pointless pointless stupid quizzes. If they were actually based on your personality traits and tried to match them up with a FF character, that'd be one thing. The quiz should be called "Which FF character is more like you" not "Which FF character are you more like".
What the hell?


You're Seifer. Mean and obsessed with your own fantasies, you are in need of counselling.

You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

Well, THAT was a suprise... *big, sarcastic smile* I ALWAYS get the main character for every quiz i take. Except the Kingdom Hearts one... THAT one I got Riku.

You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

Thats cool I like being alone too!:cool: plus I am a lot like him all except for the fact I'm a girl!!!!!!
oh god... someone kill me,i'm the chickenwuss, although i wouldn't mind having his coal hoverboard, imagine the havoc i could cause with that

"You're Zell. Although you may get angry to the point of busting a blood vessel in your forehead, you are sweet and considerate to those you love."
You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people around you may wonder if you've just lost a loved one.

Woo hoo just the one i wanted its so like me ...sometimes