Which game was the hardest to track down?


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
I'm sure a few of you out there have a few horror stories about buying FF games, in particular FFVII seems to be hard to find for most people. xD

For me, none of them were particularly hard to find, luckily. I bought FFVII and FFVIII for about £20 for the two of them, and the earlier ones were all released on GBA / DS, so it was easy to pick them up. FFX and XII are readily available from most game shops too.

I think the only one I had a bit of trouble with was FFIX, the guys at the shop had to phone a load of other shops before they tracked down a copy for me, but it only took about a week. xD Ironically, everytime I go in there now they always have at least one copy of FFIX.
VII was incredibly hard to track down. When I finally found it, the game store that sold it was selling it for $65 -__- I was like "heck no" and luckily found it at a thrift store for $8 :awesome: The rest were quite easy to find, except V, which to this day still eludes me.
VII wasn't exactly hard to find, just hard to cope with the prices greedy little sellers want for it. I got mine for $33 including shipping, but still. The manual smelled like smoke :dry:
Anyway, the hardest one to find, strangely, was X-2. The store I usually go to didn't have it, and I ended up going almost 4 towns away to get it. Weird, huh

Oh, and
The rest were quite easy to find, except V, which to this day still eludes me.



Not sure if I'm like, allowed to post those links or whatever, but there are your options
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I still don't own a copy of VII. :/ It's quite hard to find a decently prized copy that doesn't need to be bought by credit card around here.
The hardest ones for me so far has been V and VI.

I've been on ebay mostly and they never seem to be available and when they are it's only in America.

I've not had any troubles with any of the games from VII through to XII though.

Got VII, VIII and IX off ebay no worries.

Bought X, X-2 and XII and never had to get someone to call around for me.

I really want V an VI though. v_v
The hardest ones for me to track down were IV and V, so I just ended up using an emulator to play them :monster:

Besides that, the only one which has been annoying to acquire was FFVII. But that was mainly because it was hard to find a copy at a decent price. But I managed to get my copy from ebay at a semi-reasonable price.
Over-all I think I was one of the lucky newcomers (around 2003) to FF. Late enough that I could see that it was a popular series, but still early enough to pick up the games with little hassle.

So for the most part, I didn't have trouble. I got FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX at my local game store new and at retail price (about 30-35 dollars for each at the time I think...). I also picked up FF Origins and FFX (used; still haven't seen a brand new copy without going online) as well. I got FF Chronicles and FF Antholgy from a flea market stall, and also picked up FFX-2 from there as well. I got FFT for the PS1 as a gift, and the other FF games (FFIII [DS], FFIV [DS], FFXII, FFVII:CC, FFVII: DoC, FFT:WotL, FF: Dissidia) I bought around the time they came out, so no trouble there either.

I guess FF Chronicles is the one that gave me the most trouble, and that's really stretching it. I got it at the flea market stall, but the first time I checked it wasn't there-luckily a month or so later, they had it, so hooray ^^

Actually, I've been meaning to pick up Revenant Wings, but haven't seen it it plain site. I'm not dying to have it, but since I got FFXII, I'd like to grab the some-what sequel to it.

I know it's evil, but I always feel giddy when people say they can't find a particular game, and I happen to have in my meager collection, hohoho :awesome:
Living where I live, it isn't all that hard to find any of the FF series(when they've just come out and are popular), but it seems that after the (any)hype has blown over, the games all begin to enter "near extinction".

However, the one series I find the most tedious to get would be FFXI and its many expansions; everyone just snags it and not all stores sell the xxx expansion or whatnot.
I also picked up FF Origins and FFX (used; still haven't seen a brand new copy without going online) as well.

I got FFX new, and it's at my local (When I say local, I mean the one I use... only it's thirty minutes away 8F) game store for new in the PS2 game case :monster:

I know it's evil, but I always feel giddy when people say they can't find a particular game, and I happen to have in my meager collection, hohoho :awesome:

Same xDD

Anyways, on to my actual post... I just found some of Fusionist's post funny :P

Hardest to find for me, that I have, was probably V and VI. I couldn't find them ANYWHERE, not even ebay sometimes. This was back in... 2005? or so... so FF Anthology was released, I just couldn't find it. I eventually found it in the half-price games bin at the store I mentioned earlier though :awesome:

Hardest to find that I don't have? III for sure. I think it's one of those ones that they remade for the DS, but I don't HAVE a DS, so that does me no good. I wanted it for the playstation or gameboy advance :sad3: Ah well, maybe they'll come out with a PSP version xD

I've never seen XI anywhere either, but as I don't particularly want that, it's never bothered me...
I haven't ever had any trouble finding one of the games. Except, I like to have games in their original format if I can, so I still don't have a copy of I for the NES. Of course, I am SOL on finding II, III, or V that way outside of Japan, and I'm not quite obsessed enough to buy games in a language I don't speak.
Eh here in the states FF is pretty easy to track down in stores, when it comes to used. I've seen all of the used stuff on the 5-20 dollar rack at Gamestop so far, now for rarer games such as Xenogears and Disgaea, well that's a different story.

It took me quite some time to give up on the search because xenogears was going at 250.00+ dollars here in the states.

I just modded my psp and said screw it. So now I'm back to Fei Wong and Elly..

Disgaea is a bit hard to get too, since it is near 100.00 off the shelf when you can actually find it.
It was getting the classic versions of 7 and 9. Luckly I found a seller on Amazon who did me a deal for the pair and I was so chuffed cause I couldnt get them anywhere else at that time and that was 5 years ago!! To get them in an actual game shop now would be a miracle!!
The most elusive game to track down has to be Final Fantasy VI Advance on the GBA. It came out in the UK when the GBA was.......on the very verge of death, so obviously game stores didn't bother selling it anymore. Of course that annoyed me fiercely, because that was the one FF game i desperately wanted to attain.
Online, they're all very easy to find since most places like Ebay, Amazon, Play etc tend to have them. In the shops however, I've yet to see FFV, FFVI, FFVII or FFIX. I'd purchase IX on the spot if I ever saw it though I wouldn't go tracking it down since it'll most likely come to PSN anyways. Every other Final Fantasy title on PSP, DS or PS2 are always stocked >.>
Hmm...all of them before the PS2 if you're looking in shops. I found my copy of VIII after seeing it in a local game shop and discovering that mine froze up when you got to a certain part on disc 3 (I think). I wasn't going to let it stop me playing the game, so I went and traded in a load of games I didn't play and ended up with two- the FFVIII and a game for my DS (forget which)

He did have VII and y'know that one that had the first few for the PS...but when I saw it I had no money and now I've got some to get some games, the shop shut down

I was not impressed

I also desperately need a copy of IX- my brother has one but he won't let me borrow it, even though he also has it on his PSP
Well.. It`d probably be FFVII or The Original FF

I had them both but then on one of meh babysitting adventures the kids got to them and annihilated them T-T

After I found out I was really mad but luckily there`s a place called Ebay ^-^ Soo after like 4mnths of searching all was goooods x3
Only one I've had trouble with was VII. I DID manage to track down a copy, but it was priced at around $59.99. :gasp: They told me that it was at that price because it was in the original package and had few scratches and such...

...yeah, I didn't buy it. XD I wasn't gonna pay that for it, I'm sorry. At least I was able to borrow it from my boyfriend so I could play it. Though I would like to own my own copy...:gasp:
I bought the disc once. I was pretty far in the game but it was destroyed and I haven't been able to get ahold of another until this moment.
Good thing there's the GBA version.
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Ive never had issues with any of them, its a couple of guides to complete my collection that are giving me grief, I've managed to shop buy VII about 3 times til recently when I had to ebay one and I got it for a tenner, so that was no hard feat. IX I had platinum and it was pecking head so I got another copy of that off ebay as well for a tenner, again no issues, same with origins, anthology and 6, again all for about a tenner or less I think :hmmm:
Ive been through a fair few copies of VII though ¬¬
But, alas, for me, it's the guides proving tobe arses to get hold of at decent prices. I need one for IV, V & VI -__-