Which Materia

i thought all was an important materia even though i sold all mine my first time through because i didnt know what it was for
HAHAHA i kinda did the same thing when i first played the game. I actually sold all my summon materia around the 2nd disc. Also a bit of other magic materia. But back to the question, i used the cure materia, counter, long range, and ultima. But once i got pretty far into the game, i just used 2x cut materia with my attacks. I didnt use magic as much.
I used a ton of magic materia, because I like to give set jobs to my characters. :P I made some of them-Aerith, Red XIII, Cait Sith-mages and only used them with Materia. I actually specialized them-Red XIII and Cait Sith were more general, but I gave Aerith mostly white/green (by XII terms) materia. I also used summons quite a bit.

I didn't use command materia that much until this run. I also didn't find a lot of support/independent materia that useful. Most of the commands weren't paticularly useful.

I also used materia in combos a lot. I loved Choco/Mog once I managed to pair it up right, so when Tifa attacked she'd also stun the enemy sometimes. A lot of Materia combos are great and they're fun to figure out.

All is an great Materia, however. As is Enemy Skill-especially with Trine and Beta and White Wind and all the great skills in VII. In one run, I accidentally sold one of the few Enemy Skill materia in the game without realizing how useful it was. >_< This time I won't do that.
I'd say that All and Cure were the most important materia, they were the ones I used the most anyway. All, because it let me multi-target Cure, and Cure, because well...it's the best way to heal.
I found enemy Skill to be the most usefull. Always good when a healer got dropped and you needed a quick fix.
For me it was a variety of Materia.
One of them being the Enemey Skill Materia; with likes of Big Guard, White Wind, Angel Whisper, Magic Bubble and Trine/Beta?Aqualung (especially Disc 1) it made things hella lot easier.
I was never a fan of the Summon Materias, except KoTR ofc, I made full use of my Command and Magic Materia. W-item, W-Summon (KoTR), 4x Slash, Contain (Quadra Magic), Mime, Morph, Manipulate, Full Cure ftw.

With the complex materia combinations, your team can become deadly.
W-Summon linked to HP Abosrb
Counter linked to Knights Of The Round
Magic and HP Plus Materia
= bye bye Ruby.
Most useful overall was by far Enemy Skill. Big Guard and Aqualung have done me proud so much many many times.

Other Materia a frequently used to get through the game were All, Steal, Manipulate (for the Enemy Skills) Restore, Elemental (always try getting it up to level 2 in disc 1), and the more basic elemental magics such as Lightining, Ice and Fire (very rarely Earth tho).
My favourite - most used materia would be 4x cut and steal/mug. i swapped my otherws around alot as UI was trying to master them, but I always kept them equipped once aquired

All & Elemental weere also really good, oh I used poison + elemental alot, that was quite a nifty combo

Other than that, nothing else really stands out to me because Im not a fan of magic, although curtative & time magic tends to go without saying.....
the double hit materia was fun to use :) same with teh slash all materia ehehe but of course favorite mteria.... is curaga!
Gawd tbh i never really had a specific materia mostly used. But I would have to say that Bahamut was my favourite
Double Cut.

Having the 2-4 extra hits especially on my main man Cloud late in the game and as I was leveling up really helped out big time. Not only did it speed up battles, but it does look pretty cool in sword-action.
Definitely Double Cut! I have to agree with you guys on that. That one was very useful to me. And let's see: Mime was good and also Quadra Magic and W-Item. ;)
Personally I didn't have a most useful one. I did, however, like the summons & magic materia. I'm a sucker for magic.