PC Which MMORPG Do you Like Best?

Which MMORPG is your fav

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Try to add some more content to your posts, dude. Why is it that WoW is the best MMORPG?

I agree, though. I'm not a huge fan of MMORPGs, but WoW is my favorite. It definitely has the largest fanbase. Tons of players to interact with and places to explore. It's easy to see how people disappear for months on end just to play the game.

Runescape is a close second. The game is crap, but it entertains me. Cookin' me some rat meat and running around in my sexy chef hat. Sweeeeet.

Edit: Actually, I'm voting for Runescape. WoW is the better game, but I'd prefer to play Runescape.
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Try to add some more content to your posts, dude. Why is it that WoW is the best MMORPG?

I agree, though. I'm not a huge fan of MMORPGs, but WoW is my favorite. It definitely has the largest fanbase. Tons of players to interact with and places to explore. It's easy to see how people disappear for months on end just to play the game.

Runescape is a close second. The game is crap, but it entertains me. Cookin' me some rat meat and running around in my sexy chef hat. Sweeeeet.

Edit: Actually, I'm voting for Runescape. WoW is the better game, but I'd prefer to play Runescape.

I've played both, Runescape got boring eventually, but yeah i agree the game was entertaining, i remember how the water spells looked like water balloons XD. WoW just got lame, I quit during Arena Season 3. Its not fun when you have to compete with mirror teams. That smiley basically symbolizes how i felt after every match, plus i hated raiding. But meh my vote goes to WoW
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WoW started to feel like a huge chore to me.

Quest person: "Go kill 10 wasps!"

*A few minutes later*

Me: "I killed 'em. Here's the crap they dropped, proving I have killed them."
Quest person: "Outstanding! I have something else for you, young lad!"
Me: "What would that be?"
Quest person: "I need you to travel clear across the continent to deliver this VERY important letter to a friend of mine! Make haste!"

*An hour later (getting around on foot takes awhile)*

Me: "I'm back. He said thanks."
Quest person: "Excellent! I applaud your hard work! Here! Take these pieces of fur as my thanks."
Me: "Fur? Oh...okay, then."

Quest person: "Wait! Young lad!"
Me: "What?"
Quest person: "There are even more wasps that need killing! Kill 25 and come back when you're finished!"
Me: "Yay."

It's crap like that over and over and over. Gets boring in a heartbeat.
What no FLYFF?!?!

Aside from the grind, the shady cash shop items and the fact that you will always be outclassed by some guy who went full str on a character with yo-yo's for weapons... /)_-

Its really fun flying!~

But yeah, its a very pretty free game so go FLYFF!
No Guild Wars?
GW is different, there is no such ting as a Grind quest.
Well, that are "kill all the YYY" from time, till time.
but it is more based on co-op missions.

Of then ones on the list, I have only really played WoW.
So I cant really say my meaning about the others.
So, I have to go with WoW.

thought GW is better in many aspects.
No Guild Wars?
GW is different, there is no such ting as a Grind quest.
Well, that are "kill all the YYY" from time, till time.
but it is more based on co-op missions.

Of then ones on the list, I have only really played WoW.
So I cant really say my meaning about the others.
So, I have to go with WoW.

thought GW is better in many aspects.

Bah! I'm sorry, i never actually played Guild Wars, so in all honesty i forgot all about it >.>.

I simply listed the top 5 MMORPG's i could think of off the top of my head, but your right Guild Wars should be up there.
Runescape for me.It was like the first!I vote this because it has cool monsters and alot to do!:D
Runescape for me.It was like the first!I vote this because it has cool monsters and alot to do!:D


Lol i could go on and on but ultimately yeah, Runescape had alot of things to do, which kept you occupied, thats also what led to it being boring later on, there was too much damn stuff to do! :neomon:

I got to level 60 in attack, magic, and archery, and then leveling that up took forever.

-Kuja :kuja:
Runescape was pretty much nothing but mundane tasks. Well...except for collecting the bones of your victims, burying them, and then bathing in your new prayer abilities. Other than that, it was typical stuff.

Never got to a level as high as 60, though. The thought of playing Runescape that long is painful. Incredibly painful. I'd say Runescape is good fun for...ohhhh...about an hour. With breaks in between.
Runescape was pretty much nothing but mundane tasks. Well...except for collecting the bones of your victims, burying them, and then bathing in your new prayer abilities. Other than that, it was typical stuff.

Never got to a level as high as 60, though. The thought of playing Runescape that long is painful. Incredibly painful. I'd say Runescape is good fun for...ohhhh...about an hour. With breaks in between.

Eh well, I was kinda pathetic back then XD.

Now I don't play any MMORPGS, just Team Fortress 2 when I'm bored.

I didn't mean to suggest that you're pathetic or anything like that, sir. haha

It's just that I, personally, am not a big enough fan of MMORPGs to want to experience a whole lot of any game in the genre. I'm sure plenty of people love 'em, so they try to get as much out of the games as possible.
I didn't mean to suggest that you're pathetic or anything like that, sir. haha

It's just that I, personally, am not a big enough fan of MMORPGs to want to experience a whole lot of any game in the genre. I'm sure plenty of people love 'em, so they try to get as much out of the games as possible.

Lol, I didn't take it as you implying I was pathetic, I simply stated that, because well...when i was younger it was true XD.

Don't worry, I can tell the difference between an insult, and a joke. :monster: and after doing MMA for so long almost nothing bothers me(thing said me anyway).

The only one out of those I play is runescape but I've always wanted to try Final Fantasy XI
By far Final Fantasy XI for me.

It was the most fun I've ever had in a video game....a second life really. I think I got most of my joy out of always being the best though. I wouldn't be able to start a game like that months after its release. I like to be the best at whatever I do, which of course for a game like FFXI took a LOT of time and effort.
I only play Guild Wars anymore, however, I will agree the Final Fantasy XI was the best of all that I have played (being FFXI, Guild Wars, WoW, Lineage, Lineage II, ArchLord, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Runescape, Star Wars Galaxies, and a few others)... the only reason I don't play FFXI is the monthly cost, which I cannot afford... Guild Wars is free to play, and thus is what I play... but its also my third favorite of the bunch (only behind FFXI, and CoH), so its okay.
wow you have played alot. i just started playing shaiya. i love this game. it has pretty good graphics and its free too. i also have d2. that game is pure fun to. it gets boring when you don't have friends though. so those are my favorite.