Which natural disastor would you rather be in?

Which one?

  • Tornado

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Hurricane

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Flood

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Earth Quake

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Avalanch

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Which natural disastor would you rather be stuck in?

I choose tornado because it's the only one where I really know what to do.
I've been in tornados before...They're scary, but if you know where to hide, you'll be just fine. o_O I'd RATHER be in a tornado.

I've only experienced one small earthquake before and it alone made me nervous. It was only enough to shake a picture off the wall...

If I were in an avalanche I think I would die. o_O

I wasn't IN new orleans during hurricane katrina...just AFTEr it, and it was gross...so I moved.

I would panic in a flood since i'm so afraid of drowning. o_O
"Hi, you get to choose how you will die today! What natural disaster would you want to die by!?!"


Well, I would choose a volcano. Mass lava flow ftw. Plus, if it touches you, you're pretty much instantly dead. You also have a decent chance since it is easier to escape than others.....

Oh, wait, that's not a choice. >=|

Flood. Why? I want to see a shark in my house. =D
Tornado. Out of all of those, it's very possible to live through a tornado given you have a deep basement or a very sturdy house.

Earthquake would be next, depending on how bad it was.
I've been on one tornado. It wasn't too bad. All I can really remember is a bunch of stuff blowing out side and being yelled at to get into the basement and cover my head. Oh and the power went out. I was with my sister and she was freaking out.
I've only seen one from a distance and the noise that it made horrified me, even to this very day. I just hope I never have to actually go through one, cause I think I'll have a heart attack.
I think earthquake. I've experienced so many earthquakes before...kinda used to it now. It's freaky, yes, but right after it, everyone would act as if nothing happened anyway, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal, really.

Student 1: "Did you feel that?!"
Student 2: "Yes I did, how cool!"
Student 3: "How big was it?"
Student 1: "Around...blah blah blah."

Teacher: "Ok kids, back to your work!"
Hurricane. Why? I live in Florida, so I know what to do in case of a hurricane. Plus, unless you live too for below sea level like New Oreleans, you'll be safe. Maybe a power outage and some fallen trees, but not much more.
Well I wouldn't really like the results of a Tornado, but as a child I was always super fascinated with them and wanted to see a real live Tornado. Just something about their spiral shape and how powerful they are that you can phsycally see it's form.
Well, I have been in an earthquake (only a 3.4) and I was in the tsunami in Thailand so i guess flood is pretty much covered too.
I haven't been in a hurricane but they do really look nasty and an avalanche is pretty much deadly whatever way you look at it.
Tornado's are probably as nasty as hurricane's but I think I'd prefer the Tornado, they are over pretty quick from what I've seen on the telly, whereas a hurricane goes on for hours and hours.
tornado merely fot the fact that it would be an amazing thing to watch

It wouldn't be fun to watch if it was over a mile long and coming straight at you. :P

LittleAngel said:
Tornado's are probably as nasty as hurricane's but I think I'd prefer the Tornado, they are over pretty quick from what I've seen on the telly, whereas a hurricane goes on for hours and hours.

Actually some of the more severe tornado's can last over an hour. Those are usually over a mile wide and can pull house foundations out. It's the weaker ones that last only about fifteen minutes.
Do typhoons count as hurricanes?
They're exactly the same thing right?

Then I choose that as I've been through hundreds of those, and hundreds of floods for that matter. It didn't matter whether the electricity got cut or whatever... not school for a month!! was awesome.:lol:
avalanche sounds cool but where is volcano?
i would like to be next to a blasting volcano with lava flowing at me ^_^
Flood. Why? I want to see a shark in my house. =D

lol XD That would be awesome!

Seriously though, all natural disasters scare me. o.o I wouldn't want to be in any of them. If I had to choose one, it would be a flood because I live on a hill. All the water would flow into the street. XP Then we'd have to save our neighbors. o.o
i choose earthquake only because i would stand on a house waiting for it to fall through the cracks (my favourite would be about 100.9 pwned)

i would choose a gas version of a volcano if it was on the poll because they are more deadly and faster than regular lavafalls