which one would you date.....

which one ladies

  • Seifer

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Squall

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Zell

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Irvine.

    Votes: 8 34.8%

  • Total voters
I just LOVE a flirtacious guy sometimes. ^_^
Cloud must be a REAL prude when it comes to romantic things. >_<
Irvine definently. I think he would be a lot of fun. And that whole lonely sniper thing he has going on is actually kind of sexy.

Although, if Laguna was on that list I probably would have chosen him.
I always thought that Laguna was incredibly sexy.
Lucky Raine! ^_^
I want to say Irvine, but I'd probably end up with Zell. He overreacts too much, but I do, too, so we'd understand each other on that level. I just think our personalities are most compatible.
i chose zell because squall would be too quiet and too unemotional for me. i think keeping up with seifer would be too much worlk. im not so fond of irvine's "The Ladie Love Me" attitude that much. Zell will be a handful too but the meeting of Zell FMV was really nice.
I choose zell, he just has the personality and the looks I normally go for
Zell, because he is the only cute one, plus, he seems fun, and does martial arts, which makes him far more superior then the rest.
Thats a toughie, I would date Squall, Siefer and Zell. But I guess my ex had the personalites of all 3! One day he could be moody, next all selfish and then happy and bouncy!
OHHHH!! That's a rotten thing ta do!!

^_^ Can't I pick two or more or all of them!!! Let's see if I had to pick I would have to go with Zell!! I think Squall is TOTALLY HOT!! But so is Zell!!! And I don't like talking to walls! Though if that flicks Squalls Bic maybe I would!!:P But then again Zells more the silly, sexy, hug me, love me type!! So like I said he'd so be my pick...unless I could have them both...;)