Which one would you rather play...


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Definately VIII. I HATED XII!

VIII was really underated. As was IX. Alot of people were jerking off so much over VII that they did'nt give the two sequels a chance. Fortunately on these forums people can give good reasons as to why they did'nt like VIII or IX. :D
No, it generally referes to hype. An overrated game is one that had amazing reviews and loads of people raving about it but when you play it you find it dissapointing because you were expecting something amazing. A bit like the novel "The Da Vinci Code", best seller, some great reviews... actually turns out to be a pile of shite.
Final Fantasy XII is way better than Final Fantasy VIII! some people say you can't beat the classics.But Final Fantasy XII beat it.:D
VIII probably, not saying that XII was bad. But VIII had a better storyline plus it had the junction system and ATB system.

XII's story didn't really appeal to me that much neither did the MMO style battle system, but I did enjoy the Hunts a lot.

So yeah I'd rather play VIII.
While I haven't played neither, I have more interest in FFVIII than FFXII. I definitely know more about FFVIII than FFXII, because I've watched a friend play it. It's just that new games don't really attract much of my attention, because I prefer to stick with older originals/classics.
VIII, without a doubt, although I have played it into the gfround I never tire of it. IO had to force myself to complete XII....once, nd I DO intend on getting round to it, but.......it just doesn't do anything for me

Sure the character development for everyone but Squall/Rinoa was abit....lacking but still, I really enjoyed what development there WAS and I love a good romance, so, VIII wins by miles IMVHO
^ Romance Fag

Despite Balthier being in the main cast of XII, I'd take XII anyday. Love them both a lot, however, VIII's main party was terrible in terms of character development for the most part, and backgrounds were poor.

XII was mint in my eyes.
I actually like Final Fantasy VIII pretty much, I mean, sure, its lacking in certain character histories and when it suddenly jumps out at you that the whole gang were at the same orphanage at the same time, its @_@ overly coincidental. But I still enjoy the game for its junction and all.

I've finished it too many times to count. The ONLY monster worth mentioning would have to be omega weapon. And he's worthless with the right items. (Hint: Holy war, hinthint XD)

I don't mind XII either. I just prefer VIII.
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I really don't hate either game, despite the fact that most people do. XII had amazing gameplay, whereas VIII had an entertaining storyline and fantastic characters. Still, if I had to choose, I'd rather play VIII because it's just more fun than XII in my opinion.
I may be a bit biased, since I've completed XII and not VIII... haha, but I chose XII. Mainly because there are more characters that I enjoy, and the battle system isn't -as- tedious.
FFVIII is my all time favourite of all the FF games. I also haven't finished FFXII yet... but I'm sure I'd stick with FFVIII nonetheless.
I prefer VIII, although I like XII, I had to sell it because of a lack on money!
i think they both suck equily and will happily announce that the only reason I played them is to add them to the vast list of games that i have completed.
VIII, without a doubt, although I have played it into the gfround I never tire of it. IO had to force myself to complete XII....once, nd I DO intend on getting round to it, but.......it just doesn't do anything for me

Same here... I just never got round to completing FF12 and I bought it as soon as it came out! In the first week of playing I thought it was awesome, you know, a new Final Fantasy was out! But I grew tired very quickly... The battle system, I felt, sucked. You weren't really controlling your party, but walking them through dungeons thanks to the "revolutionary gambit system"... I prefer the term "do everything for you so you only have to walk by and watch your party kick ass system". The game was also far too linear and without a world map to give an illusion of exploration.

To me FF12 marked the confirmation that the FF series was never going to be the same again. When FFX came out, some of the elements were gone (no world map, flyable airship etc) and I felt that was sad, but that the series could put itself back on track... But FF12 confirmed, for me, that the franchise has taken a new course. A wagon I don't want to hop on to really I'm afraid.

FF8... While it was never my favourite I still feel beats FF12... It felt more Final Fantasy than 12 did. More magic, atmosphere, greater music, a proper FF-style battle system... Some of you say that the turn based battle system or the ATB is boring, but to be honest most hardcore FF'ers expect and accept this style of battle system. It worked in the past, why can't it work now? I'll answer that and say because they want a whole new batch of fans now, but that'll be another topic.

Anyway.. FF8 was rather lacking on the main playable character department if I rememember clearly (been some time since I played it through), but the story was fantastic. I loved the mixture of sorcery and military themes, and I loved some of the characters in it, such as Edea, Raijin and Fuijin, etc.

FF8 is definately worth a play. Well, I rank it as being part of FF's golden age, which I state is any FF from 4-9. I was hooked by ALL of these games. The characters, story, quality, music, overall design and the magic atmosphere within them that makes up FF. Not sure how to define this "magic", and I bet a lot of people wonder what the heck I'm talking about, but there was definately something there. Something that I haven't felt since FF9. Something distincitvely Final Fantasy about these games.
XII. I enjoyed both storylines equally, and I felt pretty much on the same level when it came to the levels. The reason I enjoy XII more than VIII is because the battle system. FFXII was a nice change in my opinion.