Which Rikku do you prefer?


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
Just like the Yuna question, which Rikku did you prefer? The one from X or X-2?

I definently prefer Rikku from X. In X-2 she pretty much became the girl that wore the slutty clothes an had about three brain cells working at a time. Also, she became incredibly annoying. Sure, she was a bit annoying in X, but not to the degree in X-2.

Why did they feel the need to make her the girl that wore the sluttiest clothes? In X she was dressed pretty modest. Lulu was the only girl that was dressed a bit provacative in X.
I agree with you and prefer the X Rikku over the X-2 Rikku. I think they added a lot more depth to her character in X than X-2, but that could really be said of all the X-2 girls. One thing I appreciated more about the X-2 Rikku though, was that she took a little more responsibility for her role in the group than she did in X. Again, being 1 of 3 kinda demands this over a group of 6+, but it still holds true anyway.

Even though this is more of a side note, I do not like they way SE treated the X-2 trio in Kingdom Hearts II. They went a bit over the top in portraying the girls as frilly, flighty treasure hunters. Again, just a side note. :)
Personally I dislike them both. X2 Rikku was abit too loud for me, but if I had to choose I too would go for X's Rikku as she isnt in your face and annoying. In a way, shes more quiet in the previous game.
Definitely prefer Rikku in X. She was far too annoying in X-2. And yeah, she doesn seem really thick in X-2, at least in X she was useful for dismantling machina and customising equipment, and they were skills only she had.
While I still contend that X-2 as a whole gets bashed more than it deserves... I like the X Rikku a lot better, mainly due to her fear of lightning. I didn't think getting over her fear in X-2 developed her very much, since we didn't see it, and the producers only did it so that we would be able to play the damn tower calibration game.
Is that the only reason you prefer rikku from X?

Haha, mostly. There's also the fact that I know I'm not supposed to be taking X-2 seriously. FFX is supposed to have better characters, because it was more about the story; FFX-2 was meant to be all about fun and games, so I enjoyed it for the fun, and not for the story or characters.

I thought X-2 was... far too girly and stupid. but that's just my opinion...

I thought X-2 was... far too girly and stupid. but that's just my opinion...

Haha, yeah it was pretty ridiculous. But I enjoyed it because it didn't make any pretenses of trying to be serious when the plot doesn't call for it (which about nine out of every ten anime do). It was just a chance for gamers to see their beloved characters do ridiculous things in a non-canon atmosphere, like an omake game. If Advent Children were just a ridiculous plot, I would've respected it more than SE attempting a serious plot and totally failing at hiding the fact that AC is really just a feature length commercial for FFVII-related merchandise.

X-2 was the right way to do fanservice. Ridiculous, yes, but not hiding it.
Maybe so, but I know that X-2 was really annoying for me, and I was disappointed in Square Enix. I see what you're saying but the game did not appeal to me on any level. And if it disappointed me, then it must've disappointed more people.
I like the way she says Yunie, so eithers good for me :P

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I really liked how she looked in X2 but for personality I vote for X :) This is my opinion :)

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FFXs Rikku was far better than FFX2s Rikku, she actually developed as a character, and i didn't want to strangle her everytime she opened her mouth. And, in X2, those clothes were just slutty =/
Rikku in X-2 seemed more innocent. In X she used to stay beside Tidus a lot. I bet she had a crush on him :D
Rikku in FFX was a really perky and uplifting character; she had more insightful things to say throughout the plot, and her flirty relationship with Tidus was kind of cute. ^.^

In FFX-2, I just found her to be annoying. As fun as X-2 was...I thought all of the characters were just too annoying...and they needed more clothing.
Rikku X over X-2, why one might ask, besides the fact that was clearly stated that X-2 Rikku is so annoying it would make the devil himself need an aspirin, and the fact I dislike her ludicrous wardrobe in X-2 being stated already. I preferred the Rikku X since she looks and acts a lot cooler in X compared to the eye candy yet very very annoying Rikku X-2 one.
Well, I prefer X Rikku, as she was bubbly and cheerful, but maintained her slight seriousness. In X-2, despite her funny quotes, (Yeah, I find her funny instead of annoying) she didn't have any seriousness at all, and seemed kinda like a bimbo.

A lot of my friends prefer X-2 though, but keep in mind they have only seen pictures of her and nothing else, what does that tell you. XD
I honestly do believe what I've read in a sig with Kimarih slapping Yuna.

"High Summoner dresses like High Summoner. Not like whore..." XD

And FF-X2 Rikku was hot, but annoying....Yuna completely lost all her innocent look, though she did looked hot...
Rikku in FFX for me. It's not like I completely detested her in X-2 though, so I'll have to agree with eisprinz on this. I just didn't really take Rikku in X-2 as seriously as I did in X.