Which three characters will you use?


Dec 12, 2008
Assuming that they allow three characters to be used in battle, which of the so-far revealed characters will you be using in your main party? Personally, I find it really hard to choose! :gonk: I might be spending a lot of grinding time because I love them all, even Hope! -__- I'll definitely be using Lightning and Sazh though, because Lightning just looks incredible in battleand Sazh is supposed to be a brand new type of character.
We'll, I have a feeling it will another VII-VIII and pull that weird thing so you have to be Lightning, the main heroine.

So, Lightning, Sazh and Snow.
We'll, I have a feeling it will another VII-VIII and pull that weird thing so you have to be Lightning, the main heroine.

So, Lightning, Sazh and Snow.
It could possible be like that, though with the game being split into two main heroes as far as I'm aware (Snow and Lightning) you might have to switch them now and again.

Personally I'd like to stick with Lightning, Oerba and Hope, however, it completely depends on how good they are. As long as none of them are like Meracle is Star Ocean:TLH (ie, fucking hopeless) then I'm fine :)
It's possible that you have to be Lightning, but seeing as they haven't done that in the recent few games, I have my doubts. Footage shows the player controlling Oerba, Snow and Sazh.
Not going to name names right now, but I will go with my basic mold. I have to have the woman to be my healer.. unless of course the rumors are true and they make Lightning a cloud spin off. I think mainly I'll stick to having one healer/support 1 thief/roguish up front and lastly one ranged... I've kind of strayed from magic. It ain't all that glam anymore due to the over repetitiveness of the last two "real" FF games - FF12 and FF10.

I just hope they start giving the ranged abilities like in Tactics. Maybe something like Aimed shot.. or enhances the groups accuracy with weapons.. If there were miss percentages on specific monsters he could be the one who helps in that area.

My main focus will be to come up with "non" cookie cutter combinations.. for the main and supporting characters. It will be difficult and probably impossible, but its worth a shot.
I love them all really but ill go with Lightning Oerba and Sazh. But our teams will keep changing im sure of it. Also btw Ryan Meracle is really powerful! Train her and you will see!
I agree with MLFY. Our teams probably will keep changing. However, I don't overly like the look of Snow. But I love the look of the Shiva sisters. :gonk: Like, two summons in one. And, knowing the epicness this game seems to possess, they'll probably be pretty amazing in terms of AI, so I may put up with Snow for Styria and Nix. I love Carbuncle too. Odin is meh, but Sazh, fighting with Ifrit, just makes me want to use him more.
I'd probaly would use Lightning, Vanille and Snow.
Well im sure sometimes we will have to play as Team Nora too. But what I don't get is that Lebreau is seen as ??? in the trailers. Does this mean she is a guest? She is supposed to be the Leader of Team Nora. I hope she is playable.
I'd like for her to be playable too. Then again, I want Serah to be playable also, even though we were told that she wasn't. Perhaps as a guest?
I would definatly use Lightining and Snow.... Maybe that new girl, whats-her-face... Or Hope... he intrigues meh <3
i would use lightning,snow and hope

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It is really rare for me but, I actually genuinely like every playable character that has been announced in this game so I know i am going to be juggling all of the characters either until i find a battle preference or somebody just way outlevels the other characters
Sazh Vanille and Lighting..

Though might give Hope Snow and Fang turns now and again though..

Hope and Vanille seem to have interesting weapons that might end up being addictive..
Lighting is defo in the top 3, I just love her already. Snow is next cause you have to have token eye candy lol and of course Oerba as she seems like a decent fighter.