Which three characters will you use?

I tend to lean towards either female or magic using characters, it seems. I don't mind the physical fighters either, but there's just something about magic that makes FF games for me.

I wish Serah was going to be playable, I really like her so far... but I don't think she's a playable character, from what I've seen. I'm almost positive, in fact.

I really like Lightning, and I don't know if we'll be forced to use her all the time, but even if we aren't, I think I'll be using her. I like her summon the most so far, and her weapon looks quite awesome too.

Oerba Dia Vanille has been my favorite since I first saw her, I don't know why either. xD She seems like she'll be an Aerith or Yuna type nice character, and I don't know if I like that... I tend to like Rikku or Selphie-ish characters more, actually. I assume Carbuncle is her summon because she summoned it from a disc or whatever, but maybe it's not. I'll probably use her too, she seems like a happy character, and hopefully she's ranged or magic as well :ryan:

I'm really having trouble deciding on a third... I'll probably rotate the third one around a bit. I like what we saw of Sazh's summon... but I've always liked Shiva. I think it's weird to have it be the Shiva sisters or whatever, but that's going to make me want to use Snow more than the others. I don't know a lot about Hope, really, but I.. uh.. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be anything like Vaan. He's young, but hopefully not completely childish.

So... Lighting, Vanille and Snow, probably. Then again, I tend to level equally in games, so it might end up being a rotation of all of them >.<
I tend to lean towards either female or magic using characters, it seems. I don't mind the physical fighters either, but there's just something about magic that makes FF games for me.

I wish Serah was going to be playable, I really like her so far... but I don't think she's a playable character, from what I've seen. I'm almost positive, in fact.

I really like Lightning, and I don't know if we'll be forced to use her all the time, but even if we aren't, I think I'll be using her. I like her summon the most so far, and her weapon looks quite awesome too.

Oerba Dia Vanille has been my favorite since I first saw her, I don't know why either. xD She seems like she'll be an Aerith or Yuna type nice character, and I don't know if I like that... I tend to like Rikku or Selphie-ish characters more, actually. I assume Carbuncle is her summon because she summoned it from a disc or whatever, but maybe it's not. I'll probably use her too, she seems like a happy character, and hopefully she's ranged or magic as well :ryan:

Agree word for word. Im sad that Serah isnt a playable character. Like you I like how she is in the trailers and she seems such a lovely character. And the same with Vanille she seems so bubbly and happy. Fingers crossed she isnt a traitor!!!
Honestly, I don't see how anyone can make all that accurate decisions when the game isn't anywhere near coming out. I'm not trying to sound negative, it just sounds premature to me. Despite that, I'll give it a go anyway XD. However, I purposely keep the information I know to a minimum. Last time I was psychotic with getting all information when FFX was being developed. I ended up learning a lot more about the story than I ever wanted, which ruined some surprises. Because of that, I usually just stick to watching some trailers every once in awhile.

I like having an even team, having a team of all fighters usually ends up being a bad idea in a Final Fantasy. I'd rather have a mage with me to use cure rather than wasting all of my well spent items.

Lightening seems pretty badass for me, props to SE for finally having a strong female as a lead character. If she was like wishy washy Yuna I probably would have killed myself. -__- It seems like she might be a pretty balanced character with strong physical attacks and some magic.

Snow seems pretty badass, plus riding on a motorcycle Shiva summon is...crazy. I can't tell right now if I love or hate what they're doing to the summons in this game. As an inanimate object though, Shiva is still pretty hot.

Anyway, for the third...is that young, red headed girl playable? She seems like a summoner type character to me. Magic user at the very least. I'd probably have her on my team to balance things out. But if its like FFXIII where you can switch people out, I might switch Lightning for that tattooed chick. I saw a pick of her with some big weapon, she looked pretty badass. It might be hard to pass her up. There's also the scary looking guy with orange hair and the black guy with an afro (is Japan stuck in the 70's? >_>). I'm not sure what to think of them though, I only saw a little bit of them in one trailer. Like .Rinoa, I tend to also level equally, so what I just posted is probably irrelevant. And I'm well aware that I probably look like an idiot in this post. So I'm cautious, sue me. It's not fun when you find out Seymour dies before the game is even released.
:hmm: That is honestly a really good question. I can honestly say I haven't given it a single thought. Well might as well start now.xD Well like most people have said here I really like a well balanced team, I hate it when 3 of you characters are really high level and your other characters are 20 levels behind.

So the question is what 3 main character will you use, well since I like a well balanced team I will just list what my favorite 3 characters are (probably use them the most anyway xD). So first off of course I am going to choose Lightning, not only because she looks completely amazing in the pictures/videos but she seems to be a really good character design and I love a good character design. Plus her sword looks really sweet and the summon (cant remember for the life of me which one) she uses looks awesome.

The next character will probably use is Snow. I absolutely love a fighter character, plus like Lightning he has a great character design. And Shiva is one of my fave summons of all time, and they made her even more bad ass then she has been before. And he looks like a character with a few 'issues' that are definitely going to be a key part of the storyline (especially after the newest video came out).

And my last character is going to be.....Sazh. I mean you really cant go wrong with a guy that has a baby chocobo in his fro!! And the summon he was using (once again name is lost to me) looks just epic. I have always like characters that used guns, Vincent was awesome as was Barret.

Well that is my three, like I said I plan on using all the characters that they let us use. But these will be the ones I like using the most. :jess:
It's still early. No one has the game yet, and we can only base our ideas off trailers. We can't decide for sure what characters we'll be using until we get the game. So for now we can only speculate. I am sad that Serah may spend a lot of the game crystallised or some form, and therefore probable that she won't be any more playable as Reks was. She may be a guest, as many have pointed out- but I think we all want to play as her in the long term.

Lightning's the all-round fighter as far as I can tell. She is able with a sword (also a gun), can cast magic and summons Odin; a powerful Eidolon, based on the previous Odins we have had. She seems very capable. I also see her as being a main protagonist, and I'm the sort of person who is comfortable playing as the protagonist all the time.

Oerba Yun Fang certainly looks like a powerhouse with that vicious spear and the even more vicious looking Bahamut. Coupled with her fierce demeanour and appearance, she looks like a strong female character who can contend with the lacks of other video game characters like Bayonetta and WET's Rubi. She will no doubt make it to my party. We need more strong and vicious female characters in JRPGs.

I'm now torn between Snow and Vanille. Vanille gives me a strong Aerith vibe. No doubt she is the mage, the healer, the vital spellcaster, with protective and healing spells in her disposal. Snow is just a close-up fighter. Depending on the location (if monsters are hard or not), I'll variate on the two. Vanille may be crucial in boss battles.
By the looking at the characters, I'd use Lightning, Vanille, and Sazh but since 13 is not even out yet, I do not know.

Mod Edit: Please elaborate on why you'd like to use these three characters, thanks.
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Yeah, we don't exactly have a solid idea of each character's weak points and strong points, we can only judge from what we've seen so far.

So, yeah, I basically want a balanced out team. By the looks of it, Lightning and Snowe are melee fighters (Snowe fits the role more, since Lightning seems to be an all-around) so I'll probably switch between them every now and then. But, Lightning may have to be used more for storyline purposes, even though you do play as the rest of the party at some point in the game. Admittedly though, the new girl, Oerba Yun Fang, looks vicious (especially with Bahamut). I may use her a lot as well.

Now, I also want a capable magic user, just in case physical attacks won't work or the party needs healing. And, from what I've seen so far in the trailers, Vanille fits into that category nicely. I've seen her use a spell or two in the trailers (can't really tell which ones they were, though), so Vanille could fit in as a black mage, white mage, or both.

Okay, so far, there's the melee fighter and the magic caster. Now, I just need someone for long range. I know Lightning's sword can turn into a gun, but I'm not too sure how often I'll be using that, since I'll probably use her a lot as a front fighter. There's Sazh, who uses dual pistols. However, the trailers didn't exactly show the pistols doing a lot of damage. But, that's usually something I'd expect from long range fighters. What he lacks in strength could be made up by multiple hits, right? Maybe he'll do more damage on flying enemies. There's also Hope, though I haven't seem him do very much. I think he uses boomerangs, though. I don't know, I just have this weird feeling about that kid. I may use him a lot, or not.

My final party would be Lightning, Vanille, and Sazh but with the occasional switch between characters. With this being my main party, everything seems balanced (so far anyway).
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I'm gonna use an all girl party, just like i did in ff12.

But that may change, it all depends on how each characters personality is and if i like them or not because of how they are.
Lightning, Vanille, and Snow. It really depends on their abilities, though, and which ones work for me.;D

Please can we elaborate as to why you think you'll use these characters. Many thanks =]
Lightning, Snow, and Vanille/Hope.

Lightning and Snow are going to be the most powerful characters, and Vanille/Hope will probably be good healers. Not much into dragoons or guns, so it makes my choice easy.
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I can see myself using Lightning, Vanille and Hope. Just because those are my favorite characters, visually. However, by what we've seen in the trailers by means of power, I'd probably use Lightning, Yun Fang, and Vanille. I honestly probably won't use Snow unless forced. Sazh is alright, I just like more of the fantasy based weapons rather than guns.

I'm loving how we get to choose a "leader" like we did in FFXII. I usually make my party out of my favorite characters anyway, so just getting to pick who you get to run around as is pretty awesome.

I shall be using Vanille regardless, her weapon looks horribly painful, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that thing.

Its body consists of four long wires with hooks that deal damage to enemies by latching on and pulling.

Well, it depends. Some games (like FFVII) I use a physical damage dealer/tank, a "white" mage, and a "black" mage. However, others (like FFXII) I use a physical damage dealer/tank, a ranged attacker with some healing responsibilities, and an all-around mage.

I'll have to see who the best physical attacker and magic users are, because I know I'll use them no matter what. Maybe if there's a good enough ranged attacker I'll swap them in and use an all-around mage instead of two separate mages.
I'll probably change my mind when I get the game, because we can't properly know yet.
Lightning all the way, I love the look of her fighting style, and ~*gunblade love*~ really xD
Possibly Sazh because when watching the demo, he looked awesome, and I can't resist the chocobo in his hair so xD
And whoever is the best healer probably. Looking forward to the Crystarium System though :D
Yun Fang cuz I love spears, Snow cuz fists?, Lightning cuz gunblade?

No Sazh cuz I hate guns in FF games, No Hope cuz a boomerang is wack as hell ;p
No vanille, cuz bow and arrown is not my thing except with Fran cuz she is uber hot ;)
Lightning, I like her gunblade. Vanille's weapon is unique and Hope actually seems like a decent character.
I generally change out my party as I fight. When I train in FFX, I use every character each fight. It may take a little longer, but they level evenly. So.. if that's possible, I'll probably do that.
I'll probably use Lightning, Snow and either Hope or Sazh, whichever one I take a liking to. I'll train them all equally, but they will be my primary party.
Unless she's absolutely fantastic, I will not be using Vanille. Her voice actor makes my ears bleed, and I just don't like her design in general.
I will probably use whoever is strongest. Most likely this will be either Lightning, Snow, and Sazh or Fang.For most battles all that matters is strength and most of the strong characters usually have enough magic skill to get by when it's needed.

If there is a character with strong magic abilities and fighting abilities they will probably remain a constant for most of my first playthrough.

I may use Vanille, but Hope will probably almost never get used unless he end up having some serious skills. I hate everything about the look of his character.
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I would definitely use Lightning, Snow, and Hope.

Lightning is just awesome. She can control gravity and has a sword that changes to a gun. I don't know how that gravity mechanic is employed in the battle system or not but its very cool in the cutscenes so i hope they do use it.

Speaking of Hope, i would use him mainly because he seems like he is the green mage of sorts, casting buffers on the party and dealing out heavy damage. Also, he has a boomerang and boomerangs are badass :P His summon looks extremely huge and freakin awesome too :D

Finally, Snow is just manly. He is a monk type character which is always cool. I love how they gave Snow the ice magic because his name is snow. but seriously, the Shiva Sisters are an awesome summon. they turn into a bike! that pwns… but anyways, yeah, that's who i pick.

Also, I might sub Vanille in for Hope every once in a while cause she has mage tendencies too :P
Ok i would choose lightining, Oerba and Hope. Lightining because she looks awesome and i'd like to see her gun-sword weapon. Oerba and Hope because id like to see which kind of magic they will use.