Which Version of Final Fantasy IV do you Prefer?


Nov 2, 2006
There are alot of diferences between the three versions mainly in the dialog, but also in the names of some items and some new items....

I like the original for the SNES the best.... probobly because i went through that one about 70 times, In my opinion this is The best one in the series at least story wise.
Theres more than three isn't there?

I've got the European Anthology version, as well as the original US version also known as FF II (easy type??) and another version im persuming is the Hard version of the US.

tbh im pretty confused with them haha

Also theres the Chronicles version and the Advanced version
were do u get damn copies!!!
FFVI or FFII in the US, for SNES isint sold anymore obvoiusly, it's over 10 years old. It has been released on the PSX a few years ago, you might be able to find that. It was just recently released on the GBA as FFVI Advance.
You can but the SNES version and the PSX version at eBay.
I liked the original SNES version, because it was original! well actually because nothing was changed.
Try to keep on topic, DigitalDevil. Create another thread if you wish to discuss how to locate a copy of the game. This thread is for discussing which verison of FFIV a person prefers.

As for me, while the SNES verison does have a bit of nostglia I have to say that the PS verison really impressed me. They revamped the difficulty level so that the game was a good challenge and they fixed the dialogue so it was more fitting to the characters and more entertaining. The only thing I didn't like was that the PS verison had load times while the SNES did not.
I have two copies - the PS1 version, which I got stuck on, then the Advanced version which I am on now. Just getting up to the Sealed Cavern on FFIV Advanced.
The one on SNES was the best, because that one kept all the good dialogue (Like some of the cussing that made the lines look way cooler), and the command system never stopped to catch up. Besides, the SNES version had you end the game directly where its story ends.
Glitches? Whereabouts are they? I don't think I've ever come across any..
while walking, venturing in the world map thru land air or sea you would notice it jerks like the characters are having somekind of seizure....^_^
And then someitmes when you're battling, the game stops for a moment to catch a breath, and sometimes even forgets some commands.>_< Bit of a problem at times, but it's still nearly impossible not to love the game, especially for the soundtrack. I liked how the GBA version had the sound test, so there's a plus.
Is it me, or does the PS version have the added commands than the SNES version?