Which Version of Final Fantasy IV do you Prefer?

Have to go with the SNES version, only because it's the only one I've played. Except that stupid final boss is so hard...
GB just because it's portable.
I don't know, the SNES was easy to get through, comparitivly, but I like the challenge of the hard type for the Playstation.
Gba version seems its portable and the lunar ruins are always fun to complete
I'd have to say the PS1 version because it was the hard version. I like my video games to be challenging. The only issue that I have with it is that it takes so long to save. So usually I just memo it until I'm done playing.
I prefer the PSX version because its how it was intended to be, not the beginners easy type version we got back on the SNES... thats like saying what height do you like your basketball hoop... 5 feet from the ground or NBA regulation height...
I personally would prefer the console version of FFIV on the Playstation, but as of now, I'm giving the GBA version an attempt. I've never been around the SNES copy to play it, but there's no doubt I'd play that version in a heart beat if I could find a copy.
I have to go with the new GBA version because i love a challenge and the lunar ruins is a new challenge
Everyone keeps saying the PSX version is harder then the original SNES version but i found it to be the exact opposite. Maybe because I was 12 when i played the original SNES version and 18 when I played the PSX version, but i found the SNES version much more challenging. that gives me an excuse to play them both again ^_^
i love the GBA version for FFIV. its a good game, and the first FF i started playing. bc i liked the GBA version so much i bought I and II for it too, and even though the graphics are nothing like they can be on a console, its still a good game.
I liked the SNES version best. It's probably because it is the original and it was the first Final fantasy game I ever tried. But I must admit that it was fun with the lunar ruins, but then again, I didn't like to be able to swap characters, and that it because it wasn't possible in the original version.
apparently the japanese version of ff4 on SNES is the hardest one of them all.
You had to be lv 80 to beat zeromus and his big bang did like 3k