Which voices do you prefer? Japanese or English?


Oct 21, 2006
Well, which language do you prefer when playing FF games? Japanese or English?

I personally prefer the Japanese voices, they're more original.

What about you?
English All The Way, I Would Rather Understand What Everyone Is Saying If There Is Vocal Parts (except For Music Sometimes) Otherwise Just Go Back Tot He Orginal Ways W/ Text Blocks
If its a game, I prefer English voices because I can't effing read Japanese. If I had the choice I'd listen to the Japanese voices with English subtitles in games.

I can't watch Advent Children in English. It gives me horrible horrible shudders, and it makes the movie sound like its made for 5 year olds. Not to mention the horrible insult that is Cait Sith. I'm Scottish. We sound nothing like that, and we don't use half the words he did.


Japanese all the way, at least for AC.
i always prefer the original voices of the characters,but in the case of the ff games i'll choose japanese voice.
In AC Cloud has this cool way of saying words,or should i say a cool accent. but in games i prefer English.
It depends on who does a better job at dubbing or something. If it was an old school game like the FF series before X, it's definately English.

Usually if it's voice acting, I prefer Japanese over English because Japanese voice actors make it sound much more realistic. They let it rip!

Though there are a few exceptions and excuse me for going off topic but something like Golden Boy and Fruit Baskets, I rather watch that in English dubbed. Like FFX, I thought whoever did the voice for Tidus was annoying but I guess I can over look that after a couple hours of gameplay.
I heard a sample of FF X-2 in Japanese, and, I liked it more than the English, like every dubbed anime I watch.
I would have to say I like English because the Japanese voices are to high pitched for my taste