White Mousse Hunt~~help!


lol ok well im at the beging and the water is in the way of me getting to the place i need to go!!
white mousse hunt...agin

i havent even started it yet...i cnt the water is blocking my way of moving to the area where he is at!! so if u have any insite...i would gladly apreciate it!:)
I merged your thread. It's the same subject, you didn't have to make another thread. =/
im new

o well im new at this whole thing...lol so i didnt knw how to get back to my wn thread...soo yea...lol

iv read that...it didnt help much cus i have no way of getting rid of the water...its all up in my way!! lol and i need the slucie key to get rid of it!!
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i havent even started it yet...i cnt the water is blocking my way of moving to the area where he is at!! so if u have any insite...i would gladly apreciate it!:)

Right, I figured that. Like I said, check this link: http://www.finalfantasyforums.net/f...ontrol-key-lost-in-the-pudding-hunt-2225.html

It mentioned about entering from Lower Rebanastre, or in the waterway control room, Sluice Gate Control area (half a circle room), there should be a lit circle in the right most control. That corresponds to what route you should take, as the area should be drained off.

I'm not really sure if those would work, but you could give it a try.

And um, I believe you get the sluice gate key after you beat the White Mousse...
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ill try that...idk if it dosnet work ill just come bak later...i rly like this site!! its pretty cool!

thanks all ill try stuff and if it dsnt work ill just leave it and come back later!!
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