White Shoopuf [2021]

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May 17, 2019
Bulba Garden
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake
Shoopuff Banner.png



"Shoopuf hash arrived!"

The Shoopuf and their babies have finally arrived from across the Moonflow with their giftwrapped cargo!
I hope you've all been good this year, as Santa's magic is still inside these gifts below!

Are you ready? Let’s get going! Hopefully you were all good this year! 🖤


Da Rules:
Participants take turns either picking a new present or stealing another person’s.
A present may only be stolen two times.
Any Username Colors will last for one week.
Your turn is subject to skipping if we’re waiting longer than 24 hours on you.


Da Lineup:
1. Shix
2. Linnaete

3. Ilyena
4. Shly
5. Dionyshush

6. Shoulcorruptorh
7. Ish Over
8. shivash

9. Paddy McGee
10. Shprout
Santa Shoe.png


🎄White Shoopuf 🎅

🎁 Gifts 🎁

-Updated after each turn-
Depending on the
Red Running Santa.gif
Stocking #1
Cactuar Stocking.png

10 Gil &

Coal Black User Color
Stocking #2
Moogle Stocking.png

Coal Black User Color
COAL.pngChristmas Mug.png
Stocking #3
Gizmo Stocking.png

1 gil

"Gizmodeer" Username
Coal Bow.png
Stocking #4
Malboro Stocking.png

1 MP + 100 gil
User Color Kupon

Scentuar.pngKupon copy.png
Stocking #5
Panter Stocking.png

50 gil

Stocking #6
Hypello Stocking.png

50 gil
Stuffed Shoe.png
Stocking #7
Mogrinch Stocking.png


Green Username Color
Super Clean Slyme.pngCOAL.png
Stocking #8
Chocobo Stocking.png

Paddy McGee
1MP + 50 gil

Chocobo Wood Toy.png
Stocking #9
Tonberry Stocking.png

User Color Kupon

Blue Cegegg.gif
Kupon copy.png
Stocking #10
Mage Stocking.png

Its Over
Coal Black User Color
Doom Train.pngCOAL.png


Red Running Santa.gif
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ThinkEyes Santa.png

Six Ish your turn!

Remember, if your present remains unstolen throughout the game you get to choose once more at the end of all the rounds!​
Stocking #6 please!
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Six sauntered right on in, wondering what took us so long to begin. She took down a stocking and lunged her arm deep, wondering what secrets it it could possibly keep.

But deep down inside was nothing to hide, in fact it almost seemed to come alive! The smallest of plushies stood so cute, and gently squeezed it gave a light toot. And tucked up in it's cute little coil unraveled at least one extra spoil! 50gil fell from its cute little snoot, a decent addition to her overall loot.

Stuffed Shoe.png


Linnaete (who may or may not have actually signed up) it's your turn, go off and shine! That is unless you've chosen a path of crime :mogrinch:
Linnaete pushed through from her turn in line, running on up for sock number nine. She turned it sideways and gave some shakes, surprised when it puffed out little snowflakes.

But a bigger surprise was still in store, as something oddly shaped fell straight to the floor. It landed softly on the pillow of snow, shaking a bit to go with the flow. This Cegling Egg was colored strange, but the outcome was nothing she would change! She scooped it up and went to walk on, but not before grabbing a small User-Kupon.

Blue Cegegg.gif
Kupon copy.png


You're up now sly Ilyena, don't be shy, that is unless you make someone cry :O
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Yes, I can believe he tried to take my turn. He is called sly for a reason. :ahmed:

I will take stocking number 3. If it contains coal, feel free to give it to sly.
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Ilyena jumped forward to take her place, wondering what goodies stood in 3's place. She cracked her knuckles and gave it a spin, shocked when Gizmodeer came out with a grin. It was a bit unfortunate for her, you see, as Gizmodeer was eating a tree. So Tia shrieked out with a big fright: "Oh no, Gizmodeer, it's half past midnight!"

But poor Gizmo was far too gone, as he was no longer a sweet little fawn. His eyes glowed a devilish hue, striking her directly within her view. Her username changed to a snowy white blue, and antlers protruded from her forehead too! And before she could shed out a tear, her username changed to a blue 'Gizmodeer'!

Perhaps this was Santa's way of saying she wasn't nice, but the single 1 gil was just cold as ice. And lastly to top off this horrible blow, she was gifted some coal with a cute little bow!

Coal Bow.png


Alright Diony sly you're up next, I hope you're not terribly vexed!
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Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot
But the Grinch who lived just North of Whoville did not!
The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
But, whatever the reason, his heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve hating the Whos,
Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town,
For he knew every Who down in Whoville beneath
Was busy now hanging a hollywho wreath.
"And they're hanging their stockings," he snarled with a sneer.
"Tomorrow is Christmas! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming.......

Okay, I can't do it. I was gonna slither and slink, stealing Livi-Loo-Who's stocking just because it looks neat. Instead I'll take stocking #7 before I get beat.
"Sock number 7 looks great, it looks neat, perhaps I should take it less I get beat!" And sure enough sly went to behold, a green little stocking with riches untold. He fumbled it quickly and gave it a flick, surprised when something fell down with a loud SPLICK~

His 'present' fell out and tumbled to the floor, spilling all out as if it was poured. It bubbled and gurgled and covered him quick, turning his username green as if he was sick.

And if it wasn't bad enough of a troll, Santa left him with one extra Coal.

Super Clean Slyme.png



Dionysos it's your turn this time, but please don't heed my bad little rhyme!
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The fact that I got Slyme makes me think this was always going to happen.
Making things rhyme is such a chore, so I'll go ahead and pick stocking #4.

It depicts a Malboro, this I do know.
But Bad Breath would be far too predictable, and such an obvious trap must be unthinkable.
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Dionysos approached this great gift display, humming it over with a great neigh! He decidedly nodded and picked up a sock, unsure if it held any mischief or not!

And on this dangerous whim, luckily had no Bad Breath within. For deep inside was worth more than gold, and luckily was an MP to hold! This alone made him quite chill, but excitedly there was even more gil! 100 more to be exact, it left him excited and that was a fact. And as if there was a grand encore, Dan held up a bottle of Scentaur!

And before he could go, there was one last thing he had to know! For at the bottom the stocking had spawn but one tiny User-Color Kupon!

Lucky for him he had been nice, but Santa definitely had to check twice. :ahmed:

Kupon copy.png


The fact that I got Slyme makes me think this was always going to happen.
Listen you, don't you know, sometimes Santa makes those on the down-low! Not all the presents are made in advance, just be happy he gave you a chance!

I'm just kidding, I promise, it's true, Soulcorruptor you believe me don't you?
I don't know it seems you've given coal out just to your non favorite people. So let's see what's in stocking number 5, I'll reserve judgements till then.
"I must confus, it seems a bit sus, you throw everyone under the bus!" But despite this mischief that may have been played, Soulcorruptor couldn't be swayed! He opened up stocking number five, all before taking in a nosedive. He shuffled and scuffled, ruffled and muscled, but the stocking was seemingly muffled!

Could it be nothing at all? Well Santa sure had the gall! He sat down and gave a mean pout, perhaps even an angry shout. He threw his legs out and gave them a kick, but not before feeling something slick. Donned on his feet despite the squawks, were comfortably snuggled green Christmas socks. And down below, by the big toe, nestled soundly some extra dough. 50 extra gil was a nice gift, maybe next time he won't have a tift!



Well Its Over, it's true, this game can finally conclude!

I'm kidding of course, pardon the discourse, go ahead and choose your source!
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