White Shoopuf [2022]


Staff member
Global Moderator
Social Media Team
May 17, 2019
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake

Brain: Empty



"Shoopuf hash arrived!"

The Shoopuf and their babies have finally arrived from across the Moonflow with their cargo!
I hope you've all been good this year, as Santa's magic is still inside these gifts below!

Are you ready? Let’s get going! Hopefully you were all good this year!

🎄 ⛄ 🎁

Da Rules:
Participants take turns either picking a new present or stealing another person’s.
A present may only be stolen two times.
Any forced username changes will last for one week.
Your turn is subject to skipping if we’re waiting longer than 24 hours on you.
If the first person goes all rounds without their gift being stolen they have a chance to take someone else's at the end!

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This thing is kinda stinky

please don't eat

-Updated after each turn-
Depending on the

I don't get paid enough for this
Gift #1
Warning: Bites


The Emperor's Mouse Username

Property of the Emperor
Gift #2
An ordinary chest

1month Basic Discord Nitro
Custom Username Color
Doubles as tape to silence your enemies
Doesn't make good decisions
Gift #3
Chest 5.png

Gift #4
An ordinary urn

Coal Black User Color + 1EXP
Staff, please, look away
Probably a bootleg product
Gift #5
Mimic Chest.png

Furby Username

Hungry.... ahhh...ahhhh
Gift #6



Coal Black User Color

Approximetly 1 avarage man's hand length longDid you actually think I'd let you off without a toe joke?
Gift #7

5EXP + 1month Discord Nitro
Custom Username Color

Piplup Stuffed Animal w hat.png
Gift #8
An ordinary chest

Paddy McGee
Custom Username Color

imma eat dat pip

Slightly chewed on by a baby shoopuf

Merry Chrysler

┌────── ⋆⋅🌟⋅⋆ ──────┐
1. Shoulcorruptorh
2. shivash
3. Linnaete
4. Shly
5. Paddy McGee
6. Dionyshush
7. Shix
└────── ⋆⋅✦⋅⋆ ──────┘
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If you're reading this I'll give you 1MP

Soulcorruptor Ish your turn! Chose from one of the treasure chests above!

Remember, if your present remains unstolen throughout the game you get to choose once more at the end of all the rounds!​
The mimic chest looks enticing, I will take the trap. Just for clarity yes it's chest number 6.
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Soulcorruptor has now entered the chat, pointing on over and exclaiming, "What's that?!" He knew better than to activate this trap, but despite his judgment he gave it a slap.

It unfolded quickly and pinned him on down, but not before he called it a derogatory noun. It oozed out some liquid that turned his user black, and quickly chucked out an EXP with an audible WACK. But Before LJ could wipe it away, it had one last thing that it began to spray: Snapple tea poured out onto the ground, and the bottle hit him with a terrible sound. Somehow wriggling and backing off away, he knew it was him that was the naughty this day. But at least he made out with one extra thing: a small little clipper with a tiny metal ring.

Not Sponsored
Probably a new product..

*Doubles as a hand-ruler

shivas it's now your turn in this long line, hopefully it'll be something that's worth your time!
I neeeeeed to see what's in that urn........ #4 please! :santa:
shivas couldn't handle her excitement and glee, or maybe it was just all that yummy good tea? Either way she spun that large urn, wondering what goodies will appear on this turn!

But this special urn had more than a map, as out with some pages did a magazine slap. "A subscription to Elezen Men?!" she awkwardly laughed, hiding it away from the eyes of the staff. But nothing escapes Santa's watchful eye, as he noticed naughty thoughts running awry! The urn did another quick spinny-spin twist, and spewing on out came a thick black mist. Her username darkened like the dead of the night, but she cried out in anger as it didn't seem right. But Santa took pity on this poor simple soul, and gifted her one last gift to behold. A key chain fell straight from the dark sky, holding an EXP from this loud outcry.

Someone actually took the time to make this..
Ser Tumeric


you'll pretend that the keychain looks just like Aymeric and I'll pretend I didn't see your nosebleed. 😎

Linnaete it's your turn to take a quick spin, what do you think that you're likely to win?
I should just steal Tami's gift. It's the only morally correct and proper thing to do.

But alas, I choose to be magnanimous today, so I will kick open treasure chest #7 and pray I'm not about to suffer the same fate as this guy:

In fear of the repercussions of stealing a gift, Linnaete decided to make a drastic shift. "Chest #7!" She hesitantly said, hoping dearly that she won't end up dead. The chest clicked open ever so slowly, glowing a hue that made it seem holy!

Peering inside revealed 5EXP riches, and that soft little Piplup just left her in stitches! And what should she find beneath his plush hat, but two single Kupons that folded out flat. A standard Discord Sub was a lovely addition, and the Custom Username color will compliment her ambition. She flipped her hair and sat on down, guarding her presents from those all around.

Not sure if fuzzy or low resolution
Can be exchanged for one gently used toothbrush
Good for 1 month

You're up to the stage now sly, I hope you come out winning on a high
sly tiptoed around the corner and snuck in, casting his eyes on the treasures within. He turned slightly to the Chest on his right, opening it slowly before it snapped tight! It snapped again and bared its gross teeth, showing off some slobber and a tongue down beneath! Before he could let out a single scream, the chest bit down and slurped him up clean.

It cackled and rattled as it rocked side to side, cheerfully smiling with a great sense of pride. But deep down inside did its tummy soon burbled - it twisted in knots and it even gurgled! And before another sound escaped from it's mouth, something else came spewing up from down south. Sly rolled out at Santa's feet, spinning his head as he let out a squeak. Santa scooped him up and gave him a glare, sharing his finger back and forth in the air. "This Mischief you've caused all year is quite sad, certainly you know that you've been this bad! I don't want to hear any more bad things about you, so until then you'll live as a shrew."

Santa put him down and gave a light pat, turning him over to his regal Manx cat. His username changed to "The Emperor's Mouse" - which was probably better than "Tasty Field-mouse". Santa left him with an EXP, a sinister warning and a gift for Emperor T.

Mice, how nice!


Paddy McGee it's your turn to choose, hopefully it's something that isn't a ruse!
Sorry for the delay, I was recovering from reading the above :wacky:


Paddy McGee walked in standing tall, saying nothing cringy, nothing at all! He slapped Chest #8 along its thick crack, a bit startled when it gasped on back. It blushed it's cheeks and gave a light giggle, shaking a bit with a cute little wiggle.

It opened its contents and shot out some 3 EXP, which is surprising of course - I'm sure you'll agree. A Kupon was sweet for a Colored Username, but this chest wasn't done with it's sweet little game. It popped out a Pokemon just under a snapple-length tall, avoiding breaking despite it's long fall.

i y3arn 4 vilence

"That thing's got a cute lil snoot, makes me want to hear it give a light toot. But it's missing something from what I can tell, perhaps it didn't make it out so well?" So down from the chest did one last gift blow, straight from the depths with a breeze from the snow. A hat softly landed on the small little prop, and now it's finally a true Funko Pop!

Can also be exchanged for one Christmas ham
I yearn for violence.


So, I finished sketched this thing out and did a quick search on Discord, and what do I stumble upon but this lovely gem:

Screenshot behind the scenes.png




Dionysos it's your turn, perhaps you'll get something that you yearn?
I don't know what to steal as I don't want anybody to cry and take away people's EXP and gifts. And naturally I don't want to become The Emperor's Mouse. :thehead:

I will pick Gift #5.
Dionysos shuffled down quietly on his way to bed, stopping in quickly to check on this thread. He mused at the shenanigans and fun gifts inside, knowing he wasn't going to steal anything with great pride. He kicked open the chest down on the far left, knowing he was far above any petty theft! He cheerfully waited for Santa's sweet gift, hopefully it'll come out soon and be swift.

And deep from inside he did hear a cry, one that reminded him amusingly of Sly. He reached on down and pulled up some fluff, and a single EXP... was that enough? This thing kinda looked like a yellow soft Kirby - or maybe this thing was a Chocobo Furby? The crying got louder as he looked at its head, staring into its eyes as if it was dead. He soon loss focus and fell to the floor, losing his gift as he let out a snore. The chest soon grumbled and slid out a tongue, intending to eat Dio as it quickly sprung. But Santa stepped in and hit its hard instead, knocking over the Furby right over Dan's head. Santa picked it up quickly and gave a deep sigh, knowing a username change was inevitably high. He waved a glove with magic snow-sprinkles, changing his name name to something more simple. "Yes, "Furby" will suffice for this costly price, and perhaps next year he won't be on thin ice!"

kweeeh.... kweeeh....


Look at these tricks, do they scare you Six ? Perhaps you can get in on your own little fix!
I… I’m glad I didn’t get box 5…. I had my eye on it :worried:

I’ll take box 2!
Six avoided both Furbies' gaze, slipping on by in pure amaze. She treaded carefully around to the last gifts, escorted gently along magic snowdrifts. She hesitated in front of Chest #2, gulping back slightly as she tried to push through. She opened it's lid and gave a quick peek, hoping her future wasn't nearly that bleak.

Inside was a chest inside of another, and another of course, and then a 'nother. Over and over did the cycle go, till the very end where her impatience did grow. She finally popped open a small little chest, now could this thing finally give it a rest? She opened it lightly and peeked down inside, cautiously breathing before going wide-eyed. Inside was nothing for her to fear, in fact it instilled some new Christmas cheer. Down at the bottom did 4EXP rest, and two rolls of washi with some graphics in jest. A User Color Kupon was another sweet thing, but the basic Discord Nitro Sub is where her fist did cling. She hid them away from other greedy eyes, but not before lifting one final prize. It was a little trinket from what she could tell, and this thing had a derpy face for a tiny brain cell.

Doesn't need to be washi'd before use
Its attention span is about as long as it is

Can also be exchanged for one slice of pizza
Good for one month, or until someone steals it o.o

And that's it for this game, I hope it wasn't too lame, I know that.... *checks list*... oh no... Soulcorruptor I can't believe it's true, but you've one last turn in this long queue. Are you content with your gift, or will you shoplift? I hope you won't cause anyone a big rift
Thinking there is some favoritism going on here, I'm gonna steal Liv's gift.
Feeeed me! Ehh! Ehh!
Woaaah! Loud sound!
Tickle me!

Numerous people have told me I sometimes look like a Furby irl, so perhaps it is my destiny. Unfortunately.