Who Are You Like?

Which FFVII Character Are You?

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Jan 25, 2011
Cambridge, UK

I love questions like this, so I couldn't help but post this thread (I'm sorry if there has been a thread like this here before)!​

So! Who is it you really feel mirrors you in FFVII? Is there someone you saw in the game and just thought "wow! That's me as a cute little polygone person!". And if there was someone like that, explain why it is you feel you're like them? Do you physically resemble them? Or do you have similar personality traits? Or maybe you just carry around the same weapon? :D

I feel myself a bit of an Aerith, we're both Aquarians! But that's not the only reason! We're both childish and lively, I get very lonely like she does, I'm weird -although I haven't laid down on the floor in front of a big pyramid temple for some time... and I'm a bit demanding and perhaps just a teensy bit selfish :x3: also? I got me some green eyes baby!​

Your turn!!​
I would love to say Vincent but I am just nowhere near badass enough! Probably Yuffie too even though I'm also a guy. Or Barrett.

Also because I'm new here (first post) and I have just seen something awesome I'm going to put it in my post
There. Just cus I can.
Id have to say hojo after all we both have a scientific background so to speak as far as personality id say a mix between yuffie and cloud, amongst my friends and such im more open yet to a stranger i hardly say a word unless asked first.. and combat wise i pick tifa because im a martial artist as well :D
I was going to vote for Cid but I'm not that wonderfully awesome. :D So instead I chose Reno. I'd say that's the closest fit. At first I was stuck on Cloud, Vincent, and Sephiroth. Of course I couldn't vote on Cloud or Sephiroth, one I'm not that fucked in the head, but then I realized that I was taking myself to seriously and in reality I'm a million times more facetious and flippant then any of them! So I landed on Cid and Yuffie. Of course I couldn't be Yuffie for obvious reasons, so I decided on Cid. As I thought about our similarities I realized that I couldn't be him either! Why, you ask? Because I couldn't possibly wield a spear, that's why! I'd probably use a gun if I were to use a weapon. I'd already ruled out Vincent and pin pointed my personality traits and as I cruised the list, I stumbled upon Reno and had my perfect 'Ah-hah!' moment. Their I am, Reno. :)

Detailed, on-topic, and singular enough for you Stang. ;)
Blehhhh It was so hard to choose but I decided Cid. Now I am no good with mechanics and stuff but we are similar in the way that he can be serious when he needs too but also manages to have a sense of humor and looks out for people if they need it.

I think I am serious but know how to have a laugh :)

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

...I got Tifa, which is really weird since I guess I consider myself more of an Aeris, but thats alright. Tifa is pretty cool :monster:

That's weird, because I'm more like Tifa and I got Aeris :lew: Not to mention that in a different quiz somewhere else, I once got Sephiroth 8( Not sure how I could fit both of them XD

Anyway, I think I'd be a mix of Barret, Nanaki, and Cait Sith. Good senses of humor, sometimes people think I'm a bit "cutesy" like the latter two, but I also enjoy dropping F bombs here and there, and yelling at people to get their butts in gear like Barret XD
I like that part "or maybe you just carry around the same weapon?"

Yes i do actually:lew:

I wanna say Sephiroth, but I just dont have the indifference to death he has:hmmm:
but Ima have to say its an amalgamation between Cloud(Coz I have his Sword)
and Barret(coz I am very loud and obnoxious).

So a 6'5 slightly tanned guy with a big sword and partial Gun-Arm grafted to his right hand is the mental Image you should be getting right about..............NOW!!!!

Call him Clarrett or Broud or Carret?:lew:
I did the test and ended up with Cloud.


But I reckon that I'm more Tifa like, because we are both shy and unconfident girls and it takes us as while to get out of our shells. We both try and be positive and supportive of other people. And I also have huuuge boobs too
But with Cloud he's always been a misfit and guess a little shy and unconfident too, and I'm strong like him ( can lift heavy objects and things ) and I'm always being manipulated by other people. I'm serious, I know some right jerks :jtc:
and I hate Sephiroth. Absolutely hate him. He's one of the FF characters that I hate the most, and can't really stand.:amg: Also I can be a little careless and cold-hearted, but there's also this dorky side to me too. I'm a little like Advent Children Cloud too. Sometimes I'm just really emo, think that I'm a burden to everybody, and don't really answer the cellphone. I had a friend that was kinda like a Zack too, and lost him. Not by death, but he had to move on. I was really upset for ages. And I have to admit, that I really kinda live in the past like Cloud does. Just can't really seem to get over it.

So guess really a mix of Cloud and Tifa.

I did this quiz a while back, so the answer is in my signature. I resemble Cloud a lot, more personality aspects than physical appearance (I also have blond hair, but my eyes are green instead of blue). Like Cloud, I am a loner that has issues with his past. Sometimes I do dwell on the past a lot like he does, but choose to forget and create my own future. I also imagine myself as an elite soldier like he did for most of the game, before he figures out the past he led himself to believe was his own lie. Now if only a Tifa or Aeris came along then everything would change :dry:.
I think, I am like Cloud, but the only difference is, Clouds not shy, I am, although I am a bit outspoken as well, which is weird because they are opposites of the other anyway.

Every time I do the tests I come out to be Cloud anyway, perhaps because I share Clouds quirkiness, indifferentness, and rather weird disposition as well, me and people don't mix usually, I even don;t mix with my family sometimes. Also I am very claustrophobic.

Perhaps Cloud or Yuffie.
For completion
I think you have to add Zack , Genesis , Angeal and others had most important role in FFVII to this poll not like Big , Wedge , Jessie and etc.

For me I love 6 characters in FFVII

1.Zack + Cloud
3.Vincent Valentine
Yes, I've made the test, which gave me Cloud!

And I suppose I am not really surprised. However the test was a bit too easy to be specific.