Who Are You Like?

Which FFVII Character Are You?

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Every test I take I come out to be Aerith. So I guess that's who I'm like. :yay:
probably Yuffie

got a bit of a gob on her - sounds about right.
[Thread Moved to Final Fantasy Fun. I just don't think there was enough in this thread to warrant it post count.]
I'd like to say Bugenhagen because we have the same name, but that would be a complete lie! I'd say Yuffie, we're both childish and selfish but we mean well.
While I like Tifa a lot,I don't think I look or act a lot like her,except maybe that I try to cheer up people.
The one I have some similar traits with is Cid i believe.I can talk pretty rude to someone close to me,not that as much as Cid though,but still care about them.When I feel comfortable with a person I am rude and cannot stand to talk sweet to them,but it doesn't mean that I dislike them or anything.It's just my way of expressing my love for them...XD.Plus I feel that I can relate a lot to him,since he gave up his dream for someone else's sake and I've often felt like I have given up things (once or twice) that were very very very important to me because I was considerate towards someone else.He may appear like a tough guy,or even an ass but he's a big softy on the inside.