Who are your main guys?


[x Sexy Seducer x]
Nov 12, 2006
US of A
Just out of curiosity, what three characters did you end up going with as your "main three"?

Due to the design of the game, you basically could have gone with any three.

I ended up with Vaan, Ashe, and Penelo.
my main 3

Use Penelo (main heaer) Basch (tank) and Balthier (he's just cool)
Vaan: My Tank

Fran: White Mage / Range

Basch/Balthier: I just switch between them depending on if I need more melee or range
No one seems to be using Ashe much...hmmm...

Finished Party:

Vaan: Tanker

Balthier: Long range support with the occasional healing spell

Ashe: Close Range Combat / Spell Caster

Many of you won't believe how helpful that actually comes in handy. You may think why attack and cast spells? But, in reality, it is quite useful to have someone deal a fair amount of damage in weaponry AND spells instead of just focusing on one of them. =D
Finished Party:

Vaan: Tanker

Balthier: Long range support with the occasional healing spell

Ashe: Close Range Combat / Spell Caster

Many of you won't believe how helpful that actually comes in handy. You may think why attack and cast spells? But, in reality, it is quite useful to have someone deal a fair amount of damage in weaponry AND spells instead of just focusing on one of them. =D

I agree, I have Penelo basically the same way myself. Very useful and practical.

As for keeping all my guys the same level like yessie said, that's awesome, but I just don't seem to have the patience to do that. I kept mine all the same level to about level 45ish, but then I just stuck with my main 3 guys.
I just use them all.......the all are at level 57.... :P cant level up another and let other be at 10....
Well I'll tell you my reasons I chose these people because they are an even balance of strength/speed/magic atk/amount MP.

First I hate to use magic unless it's support magic .. I.E. Protectra/Hastaga/Bubble/Shellga (regen sucks in my opinion). There are only a few scenarios in game where I can think magic is good to use at all times, but nothing a person with High Base strength can't do. First.. Magic can only do 9999 tops. By the time you get these spells, they have a looooong delay time, so you can possibly attack 4 times with this person before getting your Flare or Scathe off. Attacking four times with the three I have laid out can prove to be up to 23k damage per person.

So here's my team.

Basch - 2 handed swords + Heavy Armor
Vaan - 1 handed swords + shields + Heavy armor
Fran (sometimes Balthier with 2 H sword/ or gun) - Kitanas + Heavy Armor - or Bow
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Main: Vaan ( Tank - 1h sword/shield ), Ashe ( Backup Tank - 1h sword/shield and backup healer ), Penelo ( Healer/Buffer - Bow )
I used Vaan, Ashe and Penelo because they just make the game look more Final Fantasy. Balthier, Fran and Basch are also well suited together.

I am playing through the game again using the boys this time and if the get into trouble on a boss battle, I use the girls for mist knacks.
My "A" team is Vaan, Balthier, and Fran, with Fran healing and using ranged weapons. Ashe, Basch, and Penelo make up the other team with Penelo in the healer role. I alternate them to keep their levels the same so that I have reliable backup in dire circumstances.
all my guys stay the same level. Its pointless to have 3 level 50+, and 3 who cant stay alive in barhiem passage
When I began to play this game and I obtained all six of my party members. I constantly switched between the following teams:

Balthier - Wyrm Hero Blade (Leader)
Fran - Zodiac Spear
Ashe - Excalibur / Ragnarok

Vaan - Durandal + Shields (Leader)
Basch - Masamune
Penelo - Whale Whisker

My main team was Team 1 in the end however.

Im planning on replaying this game with certain limits (such as using just 1 character through out the whole things, and only certain types of weapons and no gambits). Leveling up should be faster but the game would probably be harder too.

When I reply this game the only character on my team will either be Balthier or Ashe.
I also use all my characters and they're all pretty much around the same level. The ones I use most, as in for area monster combat, are Ashe, Basch, and Balthier because they're my main damagers and plow through monsters. Ashe is also a pretty good healer. I love the way she looks with a sword. <3

All my characters can use magic, but Penelo's the strongest so I use her in boss battles to do a lot of magic damage. Fran's magic is second best and I give her a katana, so she's looking pretty hot too. ;D I actually use Vaan the least, I dunno why, and I just slap a bow on him.
Vaan - 1H sword/shield, light or heavy armor, support magic, occasional healing
Basch - 2H sword/spear/anything powerful, heavy armor, some rare healing/support magic
Ashe - Bow, magic armor, magic user (though usually just attacks from afar)
I use Van with a 1H-sword and shield, with heavy armor(lvl 57)
Balthier uses the ultimate gun, and stand back, he is my item thrower(lvl58)
Fran uses bows, and she is my ultimate mage, she knows every spell, and has the sage ring with all the magick augments.(lvl58)

Now for the rejects.
basch is poop, and the only thing he is good for is smelling. and healing my main party then they die.lvl(15)
Ashe is used for the same reason above.(lvl15)
So is pennelo(lvl15)

P.S I just made my first sig!. I know it sucks but its the first one i ever made so shut up! ?? where is it? I put it in the options... well that sucks. anyone know why its not appearing. ok fixed it there is a stupid box i had to check it should be there now
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Actually, the sig looks really cool. I especially like the pic of Cid in it. Nicely done. I'm no good at that kind of thing, so I doubt I'll ever try it.

I'm on my 4th playthrough now, and each time I'll do something different as far as party members go.

But for my style of playing, I like two tanks, but the 2nd one is half-healer based.

I usually set up the backup crew exactly the same way as the main crew, in case one of the mains die.