Who Beat Omega?

Hey so what happens if I take the red pill?
Because I did.

What!!! i didnt give you any pill :huh:

S.Leonhart what kind of drugs have you taken

p.s. My litte brother even beat omega after he died 8times lol
i beated him withsquall,quistis and zell i used holywar and friend ship alot i had 99 freinships but they all finished b4 omega weapon died
Anyone? It took me about a half hour to beat him. I used Squall, Zell, and Quistis.

you could use Holy war trail from the card of gilgamish its gonna help you and then 2 or three lion hearts with 6 triggers

after that you can go back to the ship outta of the castle to the joker card team and take from them gilgamish's card again


it takes 7 minutes to beat omiga
sorry for you s.leonhart peace!:) well i forgot to count how many game overs i encoutered fighting omega.... and i think.... my entire FF8 career i only defeated him once :(..... w/ luck..... still,,, the memory seeing omega beaten is fresh from my mind.

thats really a badluck s.leonhart, maybe omega lives on you PS for real,,waahh just kiddin, i only beat omega once..... throughout my ff8 career:( and i did it with lots of luck... praying while playing not to release its tera break:D
I never got off disc 2, I couldn't bet that damned queen. The rest of the game was easy. I know I could beat her now, but I just don't play it as much, and I started the game over cause I like the Seed exam.
I did beat him in about 15 min's the suicidal way using Squall, Rinoa & Irvine,
all with their max weapons and all at Lvl 100. What I did was make sure both
Squall and Rinoa's HP was around 300 causing their limit break to appear more
often then using Aura and once the battle started, I would have Irvine cast
Holy War on the party, Next I just smacked him with Doomtrain cutting his Vit
to 0. With his Vit at 0 Squall's Lion Heart and Rinoa's Wishing Star attacks did
the highest possible damage and before I knew it, he was dead.

But now I cheat. :)
hes easy holy wars and heros FTW
Penace is much harder but hes in FFX though :(
Hm. I think I've beaten Omega. I can't quite remember, I just know that my team is probably the most awkward of them all, I used Squall, Selphie and Irvine. And I think that's been my party for...well, ever since you get Irvine. I had no invincibility of any kind. I just had a really good team. Aura was such a help, and just to make this even funnier, I killed him in like 12 minutes, without the best weapons. Squall didn't even have Lionheart.
i beat omega with squall, zell, and rinoa...it has been quite some time so i cant remember how i did it and how long it took me
well i beated him using a game shark,it took me about 30seconds!lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i beated the suckish omega in 30seconds!!!!!!!lol(i used a game shark!!!)!!!!!!!lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I killed that Thing.
With: Squall, Irvine and Rinoa.
It took about 5 Minutes or more, I don't know for sure.
Omega Weapon was quite easy if you are equipped with the right stuff i used squall for his lionheart attack, irvine because once you cast meltdown and start shottin bullets the damage is great hehe and rinoa for invincible moon and shooting star. it was an easy boss tho, but if you arent ready and havent got the right stuff get ready for a hard ass battle.
i tried using Squall Zell and Quistis.. didnt have the right spells to beat him though.. went back and tried to beat him, but had to go when he was half dead :(