who completed the all jobs in twilight town?

Gods archangel

ShinRa Guard
Mar 22, 2009
who on the forum completed all of the jobs in twilight town? I did,andit was kind of boring. But look at the bright side, you get alot of munny if you do all of them the right way. So, who did all of them, right way or not?
haha that would be me! I usually dont care about being a completionest but KH is my weakness. Everything is amazingly fun and I couldn't help wanting that Watermelon on the beach :P

I was kinda pissed when I lost all my money though :( I had like 4 grand :P
I don't think I did, the raising money to go to the beach was boring enough, let alone completing them all. The only ones I think I could do well was that post one, keeping the ball up and hitting that bag up the hill >.>
I hated the Post one It took me Ages to find the best Order to post them all
Ahh I did the post one last. I still haven't gotten the record for that one either. I need to max up my Final and Master forms first. The one with the cart was easy, the ball one was a bit annoying, the mail one was GREAT, loved it. Can't really remember the others but I got records on all but the post one.
I only did the bag/hill lark. It was fast, yielded average money and was local to other things, if I got bored. It was much less of a hassle just firing on with this job than looking for others that just weren't worth the effort.
Only did the mail one, oh and trying to keep that ball or whatever it was in the air. Couldnt even get that bag thing up the hill

It was bollocks. I wanted out of that godawful town as soon as I could. I know I attempted them all, but I couldnt DO THEM, so I stuck with letter delivering, I got quite good at that one...
I did...To complete Jimminy's Journal. Most were ok, did not really have fun per se during any of them. Most annoying were the cargo push and the poster business. Ugh.
I know I did. I have to complete games 100%. I remember having such a hard time with the poster one. I didn't think I would ever finish it,but I finally did.

I thought they were good fun to do and interesting to find out the best way to do most of them.
Ahh, see, Princess Garnet agrees with me the most. They were fun and I had to complete them all to finish the game. You guys all talk about the posting job. That one was the easiest of them all. That was the first one I did. I completed it quick and easy. How?.....a magician never tells his secret.
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I think I completed them all, if not I completed most of them. I thought that I would get some awesome reward that would make me teh ownage early game. So I wasted quite a bit of time doing them. At least I had fun while I was doing them so it wasn't all that bad.
i did :moster: i vowed to have 100 percent of completion so yeah...
but seriously, some jobs need perfecting for, like, hours for me!
Ugh. I couldn't get that stupid pile of junk up that hill. D< I got mad good at the mail one, played it more than I needed to. My record is like seven seconds :monster:
i finished them all to. i think most poeple can agree that the poster one is friqin hard as H#ll. but it can be done. as for the rest there a pain but its worth it if ypour a completionist