Who did you give your espers to?


White Mage
Apr 7, 2007
Newcastle, NSW Australia
I just want a guideline based on peoples response. I dont want to regret giving an esper to someone.

I gave Belias to Ashe mainly because Belias was tied in to the story of Wraithwall...

I have Mateus and the one after that... and Zeromus but am yet to assign them to owners... Lets see who you assigned them to.
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Thats what I have done. I havent finished the game off yet, but I did exacly that. I've given them all one each at the moment, as I havent found them all but I'm planning to give the most of them to Ashe.
Yeah I've noticed that also. But just the same I try to stretch them out fairly in the start so they have at least one esper each but I will give tmost of them to Ashe becouse of that point you have just proven.
Seeing as Ashe sucks and I never use her..

Basch - Belias, Adrammalech
Balthier - Zalera
Fran - Mateus, Shemhazai

I plan on giving Famfrit to Balthier for obvious reasons, Hashmal to Basch, Ultima to Fran, Zodiark to Basch, Cuchulainn to..Balthier XD, Ex Death to Basch, Zeromus and Chaos to..Basch also XD

I kinda put Espers with the characters that they seem to fit. Fran gets the femmy ones (I gave Zalera to Balthier cus I just..did), Balthier the not very masculine ones, and Basch the freakin awesome ones.
I aint keen on Bashe that much. But I'm willing to spread it out them give them all to Ashe like I said, but thinking upon that Rulia I might change my mind. Thanks for that!!!!!!!!!!!
yea i just spread em out and make sure they all have an even number because i use all the characters in the game evenly
Same here I dont like the fact of one character being a bit better than others. Eventhough I hate Bache for some reason, I still train him an such. You know?
Basch rules =[ He's a lovely chap, but yeah, I'm glad I inspired people =D
I tend to give Belias to Ashe for reasons already stated by others. As to the rest of the espers I just assign them evenly to the others in order of obtaining them. Vaan then Balthier then Fran then Basch the Penelo and then Ashe and round she goes again, no reason behind it.
I think I gave Belius to Ashe, just seemed the sort of thing to do with the whole Raithwall scenario....
As for the others, I dished them out to my main three: Balthier, Penelo and Basch. I gave them to those characters because they probably wouldn't have bee used otherwise, my other party members were too weak to be used.:rolleyes:

basch-shemhazai, framfrit
ashe-mateus, zeromus, chaos

My main party is vaan, basch and ashe (that's why i gave them some espers) and i still have many things to finish in this game...
Well ive only gotten 5 espers so far - i need to go back and do all the side stuff XD - i equipped them like so :

Ashe - Belias, hashmal and shemhazai
Fran - Mateus
Basch - Famfrit

Im going to give a few more to fran though :P even though i never use them O_O
penelo has belias (equal to infrit)
ashe has mateous (equal to shiva)
fran has exdus (the comet shooting dude)
vaan has shihamizzi (the tone you fight on elevator)
im working on the others actually i didnt know exdus was one i was exploring and i found him and killed him and when i did i found out ~lol~
and the sad thing is i have a guide book!
I was lazy and gave them all to vaan, that way if I want to find an esper to summon I know who has it :P
Ashe - Belias and Shemhazai
Vaan - Mateus
Fran - Adrammalech and Chaos
Basch - I'm not going to try and spell it... but the one in the Garamsythe Waterway and Exodus
Penelo - Zalera
Balthier - Zeromus
Amazingly enough, I got Adramellech before Mateus, and he's paired up with Balthier now.

Oh, and Mateus is with Fran now.