Who did you give your espers to?

I was going to make a thread like this, anyways...

Vaan: Hashmal & Shemhazai
Balthier: Mateus, Zalera & Zodiark
Fran: Adrammelech & Zeromus
Basch: Chaos & Exodus
Ashe: Belias, Famrit & Ultima
Penelo: Cuchulainn

It's kind of hard for me to explain why I gave those characters the Espers that I gave them. I tried my best to match the Espers with the Summoners and whatnot.
every on has atleast one espers
only ashe and panelo wil get more because they are the nurse of there party and need mp maybe basch and balthier to don't know yet
still have to look for more espers
Ashe: Ultima and Hashmal
Balthier: Exodus and Mateus
Vaan: Chaos, Famfrit, and Belias
Basch: Zodiark and Cuchulain
Penelo: Zalera and Shemhazai
Fran: Zeromus and Adrammelech
Vaan: Addramelch
Balthier: Belias
Fran: Famfrit
Basch: Hashmal
Ashe: Mateus
Penelo: I can't remember the name. I know it cast Soul Devour
Basch rules =[ He's a lovely chap, but yeah, I'm glad I inspired people =D

Bash does rule. ;) I wonder if the young'uns think he's too old. He's juuuuuuuuust right!!

To stay on topic... I'm on my second play through. I think I changed up the pairings slightly. I have 3 Espers to go in this play through...

I gave Belias to Ashe, because it was fitting storyline wise.
Vaan has Shemhazai and Mateus
Balthier has Chaos and Ultima
Fran has Zalera, Zeromus and Cuchulainn
Basch has Exodus
Penelo has Adrammelech

There was no rhyme or reason for the pairings, other than giving Balthier Ultima because he's my favorite character. I really don't use the Espers unless I want to see what they do, it's required or I'm getting served. I'm more of a Quickenings kind of player.

this is my esper formation in a random order :)
I did, too. I was having a hard time just fighting him, so I went in there, did a massive Quickening chain that took him out in one shot, and was happy. :cool:
I went touring the Zertian Caverns looking for the Malirith, came upon him, died two times, and managed to kill him in 4 quickening combos (I need more than 4 seconds! :( )

Oh, and I still haven't found the Malirith yet. :(
i gave belias to vaan because he's like the most important person in my party and i gave mateus to penelo because like i thought it would match since her last quickning is a ice one and mateus is ice based (when i got it i didn't have fran's shatterheart)