Who else liked this film?

Mar 22, 2010
I loved spirits within it fits in well with the rest of the final fantasy series. The whole spirit gaia thing is awesome. I wish they would bring these characters into the games.
yah spirits within were awesome i liked the sci-fi theme and the story were awesome to, liked the phantoms and the quest to find gaia. The story really catches you and stuff. anyway it was great.
I wasnt really a fan of it,imo its pretty horrible but no offense. The only good thing of the film is the main protagonist,shes meant to be one of the hottest female character ever.So its her that makes the film worth watching imo. The movie doesnt really mean "final fantasy" imo
The movie was very well done. The CGI was phenomenal, and at some points I couldn't tell that it was CG rather than real people. The story for it was unique, and captivating. I was surprised by the depth that they added to the story, and detail overall was a surprise. I enjoyed this movie a lot.
I personally really liked this movie.

I first saw it back in 2000 I believe and back then I had no idea what Final Fantasy was. I think I played my first game in 2004.

But anyway, even after I'd played some of the games I still loved it and thought it was an awesome movie!

Awesome CGI and the story itself was fantastic. I think I cried at the end. >.<
For the time the animation was amazing. However, I wasnt impressed it had sweet FA to do with Final Fantasy itself. Havent watched it since I was 17 :/
Meh it was ok and meh at some parts. But yeah I liked it. Aki Ross was cool and hot(Ming'na and I think Doctor Cid was the only ff reference was it not? Well it was Square's first time making a film and I guess they wanted to try something new. Cgi is beautiful like others said. I watched it because it had FF in it but it had shit all to do with FF xD. Aki Ross is hot though so that made the movie good :ryan:
I liked it, though I'm not sure it should have the name "Final Fantasy" on it. Maybe something like "Gaia: The Spirits Within" would've been better.
While I agree that it didn't deserve the FF title, I really enjoyed the movie. Graphics are really good even with today's standards and the storyline is memorable.
I rewatched this movie recently, and I enjoyed it -- it's pretty interesting. I remember reading the book.

Though... if you weren't a FF fan... this film might be AWFUL.
I won't lie, I watched this movie when I was about 11 years old and it bored me out of my mind. Mostly because I was expecting something that's similar to the games I played that made me love the franchise, but in the end I got something completely differebt. I don't remember it vaguely however. I know a great deal of the plot-points in that movie. One thing I'll say for sure is that The Spirits Within is better than Advent Children. Why? because the writers actually tried that's why.
The CGI was on top in that time although the face expressions could have been better, it felt unreal like puppets, I really liked the storyline and the characters though.
About the main female lead, she is not hot...seriously. just plain IMO.
The only thing Final Fantasy about it was it's name.

Even if it weren't based on the franchise the film was average at best and boring at it's worst. I bet even Star Ocean has closer references to it then Final Fantasy.
I pretty much like most films made about my fave franchises,apart from this lets take Resident evil films for example, i know there utter shit but i enjoy going to the cinema and knowing more about them then anybody else there
yea ther was bugr all to do with final fantasy there...

but i liked it apart from that, the phantoms were good enemies an enjoyed the battles with them
Well, I have probably said it before, but I think that I like this film only because my boyfriend went to see it in the cinema, making him interested in the games, which in turn made me interested in the games
The only real bad thing about it was the graphics. The storyline, actors were there, but the graphics just looked too weird.