Who else?

I don't really "wait" for the carnival to come. But I usually head out to it when it does arrive in September. Just for us, it's called a "fair".
I don't really "wait" for the carnival to come. But I usually head out to it when it does arrive in September. Just for us, it's called a "fair".

same for us. it's a fair.

and no, i don't wait for it. i never go to them. around here they're uber lame.
I don't wait for it, but I do go every year, mostly for the food. I just love the food they serve at the carnival, you like can't get it anywhere else!
I went a lot when I was like, around 5 or 6. I still remember those days. My bro and I wanted to ride the ferris wheel sooo bad and was crying about it too, lol. And then when my dad finally dragged us there, my bro and I both stalled and was afraid to go...but he kept dragging us and once finally inside, the ferris wheel started and my bro and I were crying...again. ~_~ We only went for one round and then my dad told them to stop so we could all get off.