Who IS Cloud?


Aug 7, 2007
We all say that he's great and all,but who is he? I don't mean stuff about his past,just who he is inside.Is he really a quiet person who doesn't talk very much and who doesn't like to say how he feels? Is there more to that or is the real Cloud a whole different personality? I would just like to finally know who my favorite FF hero is because I just found out that I probably don't know who he really is. :|
I think Clouds just a quiet individual. He doesnt like to express himself as much as others do and can put friends before himself. But he does make time to get to grips with his own situation.

I think you should see Cloud how you see him, not what others interput (sp) or say. Thats their view on him, you could disagree altogther.
He wouldnt be the same if he was loud mouthed and cocky. Cloud being quiet makes his character.
Hmm. Some different replies.

Before his "adventure", I think Cloud had the mind of a military man. Be great, contribute his service to his land, and fight for those he loved. Basically why people join today. He was probably pretty simple.

After "the game", I guess, he turned into a person who held all the regrets and felt bad. To break it down, a sobbing alcoholic minus the alcohol. He let himself hurt on the inside and became a shut-in.

After Advent Children, he realized he's not a waste and he needs to forgive and forget. Then he probably turned into his ownself and is probably just a regular person.

2 cents delivered.
I'm moving this into the FFVII section, please remember that threads concerning a main character of a certain game need to be in that section ^_^

On topic though, Cloud is...Cloud XD he may appear to be selfish when we first get to meet him, but he turns into a very selfless person, always putting his friends first :D AC is a prime example of this, where he fights for the children, not for himself, and blames himself for Aeriths death, despite the fact he couldn't do anything to stop it.
GREAT topic, GunbladeGirl!

Cloud is/was a very outgoing, heroic person. There can't be any argument (another reason I hate Advent Children). The whole point of him discovering who he was was that he found out he wasn't so dissimilar from Zack all along. He was a badass, he was strong, he was capable of defeating the mighty Sephiorth.

No, he wasn't cocky, he was just sure of what he could do.
Not at all. Being sure of yourself and being cocky are two totally different things. Cloud would have to be a dick about his abilities in order to be cocky, but he wasn't that way. He was self-assured, and he needed to be.
Not at all. Being sure of yourself and being cocky are two totally different things. Cloud would have to be a dick about his abilities in order to be cocky, but he wasn't that way. He was self-assured, and he needed to be.

Being cocky doesn't mean you're a dick. To be cocky is to act like you know what you're doing and you can do it, which is exactly the same as self-assurance.

I'm cocky and I'm not a dick...I think...

Fuckin' Cloud.
No man, you got it wrong. Cocky is a negative thing, a bad characteristic, while on the other hand self confidence is a positive thing, he is confined in his abilities.
A cocky attitude would be if he was all like, "Wait I'll kick that monster's ass on my own" or " Sephiroth?! He's a no one! " that's cockiness.

OT: Cloud is Cloud, a person who's life all of a sudden becomes very complicated, the fate of the world falls on his shoulders, he finds out that he's not your regular guy, he becomes confused... He's a pretty complex character, which is why he is one of the most original and best out there.
Thanks for having my back on this one, Juneau. "Cocky" is a negative term.
Either you have no self-confidence or you get bullied all the time.

Cocky is to be overly self-assured, self-confident, etc. People only look at it negatively because it's a "put up or shut up" attitude. Shit, when you think about it, it's more positive than negative. For example:

"Wait I'll kick that monster's ass on my own"

Though this statement isn't really cocky it's more conceited, but it'll work. I'd rather say this then:

"Oh, that monster's gonna kill us. I don't stand a chance."

THAT'S negative.


OT: Cloud's a cocky son of a bitch.
"Oh, that monster's gonna kill us. I don't stand a chance."

That's negative thinking... I'm saying that cockiness is a negative characteristic in a person, and that self - confidence is not.

OT: If he was cocky he would fight on his own, and not together with other people...

No prob JDawg
I agree with what the majority seem to be saying; I do believe that there is a distinction between self-confidence and cockiness. Cockiness is where self-confidence is in excess to the point of being obnoxious or oppressive, or when such confidence is unfounded. Also, cockiness tends to be a front, in an attempt to distract from or deny a crucial weakness.

In any case, Cloud is really neither one of these, in my opinion. He really falls apart after he starts to become conscious of the Zack persona. As a child, it might be said that Cloud was being cocky, when he left Nibelheim in an attempt to become the next Sephiroth. But in the main game, Cloud (in his true persona) doesn't really come across as that.
At the end of the game and in AC, I see Cloud as someone who gives unconditional love to those who are important to him and will gladly take a bullet for them. He dreams high and strives to become what he wants to be. He is also the type of person who will save your ass at times when you are in a bind.
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Either you have no self-confidence or you get bullied all the time.

Well, at 26 years old, I sure hope I don't bully problems! :D Actually, I'm quite self-confident. I really thought that showed in my writing. Guess not!

Cocky is to be overly self-assured, self-confident, etc. People only look at it negatively because it's a "put up or shut up" attitude. Shit, when you think about it, it's more positive than negative. For example:

Being cocky is having an attitude, and is sometimes a cover for the lack of confidence. It's not always a bad thing, but cockiness can indicate overcompensation. Cockiness is a more reliable sign of low self-esteem than meekness is. Not always, but it can be.

Also, in your example, cockiness can cause judgement errors. If we are assuming Cloud is the speaker in your example, we all know that him going at it alone with the enemy is not wise.

"Oh, that monster's gonna kill us. I don't stand a chance."

THAT'S negative.

See, you're going from one extreme to the other. Not being cocky does not mean you will be a defeatist. I'm not cocky, but I also don't acquiesce to defeat before the defeat comes. There is a middle ground. And just like that example is a negative, so is the first example.

Cloud was only cocky when his memories were tangled with Zack's. When he found out who he really was, that hollow cockiness was replaced with a firm self-confidence. He wasn't boastful and arrogant like before; rather, he was sure of what he needed to do, and his ability to accomplish it.
