Who is the best looking FF Character

The Anthology CG of Edgar (the first cloeseup of his face) made me gasp. No joke. He is number one.

Zack Fair(in later incarnations) was the only other character to have this effect on me, like 10 yrs later. XD

Firion (Dissidia ver.) is quite nummy as well.

Noctis is shaping up quite nicely, though he reminds me of a...well, brunette Cloud.

If I were to pick a female, it would probably be either Quistis, or Tifa. But none realy made me double take over the years :)

EDIT: NVM, I had a girl crush on Fang from day one :)
For girls, it'll always be Quistis - no one encompasses the classic and intellectual beauty that she does.

As for the boys, my vote's on Rufus ShinRa, sophisticated, suave, and a man in control. Can't go wrong with that.
For me it would have to be Rikku. The costume that she wears is hot, but I love her bubbly personality to. Followed closely by Tifa.

If I had to pick a male it would be Laguna.
I'd have to say Auron because he's a badass and he's got a cool personailty in the games, Kefka because he's just insaneee!! Lightning and Vanille for the reason that they just lookk amazing in HD, wow.

But I would have to say most of all that my favourite charecter in Final Fantasy would have to be Yuna. Purely because he looks awesome, and she has a kinda and gentle nature. =)
I think Balthier is the best looking man in all the Final Fantasies :ryan:
He's sophisticated, charming, funny, and so cool and sly. His design is great, and I love all his witty and sarcastic remarks--which is all it really takes to win me over. Loved him the moment I first met him in XII... and how he looks in the FMVs... oohhh my gosh :wacky:. Where can I get me one of these sky pirates?

And for the ladies... :hmmm:
I'd say Yuna. She's so innocent and cute. Plus you don't come across many characters with short hair who look absolutely GORGEOUS. :P And I just love her character in general ^_^
:hmmm:Hmmmmmmm.......For Girls,I guess It'd be Aerith(Did I just start an FFVII fanboy/girl apocalypse by not using"Aeris"?:worried:).

For fashion sense,Kefka.

But none are as gorgeous as Cloud.

To whom else does this happen regularly::fan:
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Kuja's pretty as a boy and a girl..... :sad:

But in all seriousness, I choose Balthier for male because he's charming, rougeish, good looking, tactful, well spoken, and he has an airship. =D He's just what a man should be, in my opinion.

For female I think Lightning is the prettiest. She just brings something to the table that no other FF female ever has. She's a badass action girl, like Tifa, but her boobs are rather average, which I find more attractive than Tifa's monsters. Her eyes and skin are beautiful as well and her hair is like the ribbon on the present, perfectly placed. If it weren't for her personality, I might be in love.
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Guys:...Is there really any FF guy who isn't pretty?I wonder...
Anyway,my personal favorites have to be Cloud,Zack,Zidane,Tidus,Laguna,Cecil and Balthier.Hm...then I also have a thing for Cid of FFVII.

As Girls:Tifa,Aerith,Beatrix(people should mention her more often),Rydia,Lucrecia,Quistis,Lulu.And the most beautiful of them all is...
Miss Cloud!
For the guys, I'd have to say Zack Fair and Red XIII. Zack is sheer awesomeness, and Nanaki is an artistic masterpiece.

For the ladies, Freya Crescent and the Mithra race of FFXI. Yes, I'm a furry, I don't deny it. These two are beautifully rendered.
