who is the best looking final fantasy character?

I would have to say the one final fantasy guy that I think looks the best is Vincent, so dark and mysterious :Q___ reminds me of as vampire so it makes him even more better in my book lol
I'll add to the Irvine votes, he's pretty cute and I love his personality :D And his long hair, I love the color of it too. I don't remember seeing him in the smileys though :mokken: I think he's actually the only one missing from VIII.

I also really like Setzer, Balthier, Cid VII, and Edge :kinky: Setzer's got a really hot roguish look and quality about him, I like that his hair's an unusual color for his age and I love his carefree attitude. His taste in clothes is nice too. Plus he's got the best airship in the series :D I think he'd be really fun to hang around with.

Balthier...similar reasons to Setzer with the dashing good looks and roguishness, but also his voice :gonk:I could listen to him talk for hours :inlove:

Cid from VII--
he's pretty hot too, I like his design in AC but I also thought he was cute in the original game too :D I'm not usually into gruff guys, but something about him is really attractive, I think it's because you can tell he's sweet on the inside even when he's cursing people out ^_^

And Edge...:D hotness.
I know you can't see much of his body in the games, but damn :kinky: He may be a little cocky, but I know if I was Rydia I'd have melted for him right away. He's another one you can tell is sweet on the inside, especially the way he reacts to
his parents' deaths.
Not to mention he's a ninja prince; he's royalty and he's got great fighting skills so he'd be good protection, and fun to spar with.

EDIT: I just realized this is supposed to be more of a physical hotness thread than overall hotness :ffs: Oh well ^_^
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It's alright. Personality often adds to the overall physical hotness, imo. :hmmm:

I forgot to add Edgar from VI. Hated the game. Loved his character. I don't usually like blonde but I thought he looked pretty hot in the FMVs. xD
It's alright. Personality often adds to the overall physical hotness, imo. :hmmm:

I agree :D

I forgot to add Edgar from VI. Hated the game. Loved his character. I don't usually like blonde but I thought he looked pretty hot in the FMVs. xD

Edgar's another one for me too :) And Sabin. I didn't really care for the way they looked in the FMVs quite as much though, I preferred them in the Amano sketches and the in-game menu portraits.
:hmmm: I like a lot of guys from the FF series XD

I'll name a few and i'll come back and post more if I forget someone.
He's not so cute as far as personality (not my fave) but, he deff has a good look to him =]
Though he wasn't really a character that i've seen developed and whatnot but, I always had a thing for him.
He was so cute to me xD I loved his personality and he really made me laugh =] I think hes a hottie =P
Idunno. He always got to me the way he thought he could get the girls is cute.. =P I imagined him like a surfer dude accent idunno xD hes cute too.
It's the tail =P naaah. I thought he had one of the best personalities over the main FF guys in the series which, made him cute. Though, not the best looking.
His accent OMG I swear I would marry him! xD I love accent's on guys they are just so sexy to me! I love it! Totally suited him.

It's the tail =P naaah. I thought he had one of the best personalities over the main FF guys in the series which, made him cute. Though, not the best looking.
His accent OMG I swear I would marry him! xD I love accent's on guys they are just so sexy to me! I love it! Totally suited him.

Can't say it better than that. But for me, it really was more about the tail.

Cloud was completely hot, but I wouldn't be with him for his personality.

ZELL is BY FAR the hottest FF character--of all time.

Tidus is do-able.

I'll post more when I have time.
A girl could die from all this overload of super hotness, while I still remain firm in my thoughts that Jecht is smexy XD I do have a few others that I actually did forget to mention. Tidus for his pretty boy looks, Snow because well let's face it, every blonde in the games is smex and he's like not a pretty boy! Well...to me he's not, more manly I suppose. Moving on! Cid Raines was pretty damn fine too if you ask me, hello hunny. But! Besides my love for Jecht, the most delicious male in the FF series would have to be....Al-Cid Margrace from FFXII XD I think i'm attracted to the most unlikely of men.
And I think Gabranth is hotter than Basch. They may be twins but Basch had too much of a surfer thing going on and he looked silly. Gabranth had that sexy Judge Armor. xDD

Oh wow. I didn't want to say Gabranth but now I'll admit to it. I'm not the only one that thinks the whole 'Judge' thing is hot. Plus, he was nice without the armour too... :P
Always loyal to Cloud,what more can I say.

I think Zidane was more my type though.
Tidus was cute as well.
Irvine of course.
Followed by Laguna,he just has somethin attractive on him.

Noctis is handsome too and reminds me of Cloud,haha.

I can go on,but kinda lazy.

Auron :inlove:

I would also say Tidus/Shuyin, Balthier, CAPTAIN BASCH FON RONSENBURG OF DALMASCA, Firion is kinda cute in Dissidia, Baralai, Gippal (both in X-2), Cloud, and Squall.

I've never really heard anyone mention Jecht before when it comes to hot characters. But I have to admit he has a really hot body and has a 'bad ass' quality about him. So I would add him to my list too.
hmmm im gonna have to say cloud..why??? because he has a very impressive hair out of all of the characters....i wish i could have my hair like his every day...plus he looks tiny but he swings around a buster sword like its a pocket knife......and not to mention he is handsome for a dude....
I'm going with Tidus and Zack.

They're so hot!

I've been in love with Tidus since I first played FFX and I've only recently started to fall for Zack. <3

I like the way Tidus has a fun loving sexyness about him, whilst Zack has a more serious and real manly sexyness about him. >.<
I've just started replaying XII... how did I forget Vayne Solidor? :hmmm:
I like too many FF guys :neomon:
I've just started replaying XII... how did I forget Vayne Solidor? :hmmm:
I like too many FF guys :neomon:

I forgot him too. :hmmm:

He was pretty hot and he had a spiffy outfit. I also quite enjoyed his character.

FF has too much eye candy. :monster:
I forgot him too. :hmmm:

He was pretty hot and he had a spiffy outfit. I also quite enjoyed his character.

FF has too much eye candy. :monster:

Yes! Yes it does.
Like I said, I'm replaying XII now and I have so much to choose from... Gabranth, Balthier, and Vayne. Definitely one of the best looking casts :monster:

Honourable mentions from me:
Cid Highwind

I think I like characters with scars and/or bamf attitude =)

stating the obvious: Cloud Strife, for one. I love blue eyed guys. :8F:
Squall is another, mainly because of the attitude;
Balthier, actually. His cockiness is cute. :jess:
I have to agree with Serene_Grace: Basch is hot. :grin:
Gabranth, because of the whole blue eyed thing,
Snow is pretty appealing, from just watching the gameplay.

...I'll edit this if I think of anymore.