Who is the most useful Playable Character?


Chocobo Inbreeder
Nov 20, 2008
There are so many threads about "Who's the Coolest", so let's try something different and post who is the most USEFUL and pretty much your preference in playing - more magic, more physical, more defensive, etc...

Balanced for Combat and Magic - Cloud, Red XIII
Close Range Combat, Low Magic - Tifa
Long Range Combat, Moderate Magic - Vincent
Long Range Combat, Low Magic - Barret, Yuffie
High Combat, High Defense - Cid
High Magic, Low Combat - Aerith, Cait Sith (Reeve has no combat skills)

So ... I will have to go for Aerith for her specialty in Healing backed with Vincent and Cloud. (Then later leave the 'healing duty' to either Cloud, Red or Vincent.)

(Yes, Aerith IS a playable character in FF7 with a staff for a weapon for those who have not yet had a chance to play the game)

EDIT: Okay, then let's take Cloud out of the equation (ignore him or not consider him since he's the main character and just about always there) then choose who would be considered as the most useful.
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This is an interesting thread but I would have to make a few different points. The first is that the teams in FFVII really do operate as a whole. One character might be completely useless in one battle where another one excels (fighters vs magic users, for example). The second is that any character can be good at any skill given the right materia. However, I think the best PC is Cloud Strike. Him and his equipment are designed to be the best just because he's the main character.
I'd have to say Cloud, as you tend to have him in your party for the majority of the game and as a result is usually the highest leveled character and in turn most powerful and useful; although of course other characters compliment Cloud's strength in different scenarios.
yeah cloud is pretty good but as an who you want to pick, red 13 is pretty good for magic and attack and such. He is almost a must .... almost. but good
Okay, then let's take Cloud out of the equation (ignore him or not consider him) who would be considered as useful.
Vincent’s limit-breaks can be very useful at getting you out of sticky situations. Although, there are downsides to having him in your party. For instance, you lose all control over him which can sometimes be very annoying. Red XIII is one of my favourite characters, along with Cid. Barret and Tifa are awesome too, and Barret’s final limit-break is arguably one of the best in the entire game. Cait Sith is genuinely terrible. That dice limit-break he has can sometimes deal enormous damage, or do practically no damage whatsoever. In that respect, he’s very unreliable.
The most useful playable character, for me at least, is in theory, Aerith. Her healing abilities would have been the most useful in the game, and I like specializing in mages, and she's the best one.

In theory, Aerith is the most useful character. In actuality, Cloud is. Since he's the best over all fighter. Barret is the strongest tank character too, so he's the most useful fighter.
Like all the others i have to go with Cloud, he was always by far my strongest character and his limits did far more damage. Barret had high defence and you could leave him in the back row which is a very useful trait, aside from cloud he was my main guy. Earlier on in the game Tifas limits are really handy as they deal more damage than other limits, they lose effect though as your other characters advance.
I whole hardily agree that Barret makes for an awesome tank that can be set in the back row with his long range weapons (well, he has only 1 short range but whatever)

And yes, I also like to play as Mage characters... put me in a DnD game or any other game and I always choose a Mage-Type class. I'm not too fond of healers but Aerith can accommodate both depending on her materia.

Cait Sith is THE most worthless character in the game and I hated his slot limit breaks since I kept getting this combo -> 2 Cait Siths and 1 Bar = Instant Death. Bah, if he was an optional character I would have gone, "well screw that..."
Cloud is the most useful playable character for me he was the up in the levels higher than the rest of my characters.
I actually used every character fairly evenly. I thought they were all equally useful, just in some different ways, so for me, it depended on the party combinations. Obviously, there was almost always cloud, then Red XIII or Barret for strong physical attacks. Red XIII is a good magic-user, too. Then I'd have either Cid or Vincent, and then Yuffie or Tifa.

So I'd rarely have Cloud - Red XII - Barret, as there isn't great balance there.
Blah, maybe I'm rambling, but I hope some of you get what I mean. Different characters traits bounced off of each other well. A lot of it depends on materia choices, too.
I would say my most useful character has to be Aerith but when she died I lost my most useful character. Just like Stevie said Barret is a good tank character but I think my most use useful character was Tifa.
I think Aeris/Aerith was the most useful until she got herself killed, manily because of Great Gospel however, she was potent in magic but she wasn't much of a fighter and by the time you can use Morph to get Power Sources she's already dead. Oh well...
Before she died, Aerith was my strongest character. She did more damage with her physical attack than the rest of my party, and her limit breaks were hella useful. I never understand it when people say she's so weak, when from my experiance she wasn't.

Cait Sith is THE most worthless character in the game and I hated his slot limit breaks since I kept getting this combo -> 2 Cait Siths and 1 Bar = Instant Death. Bah, if he was an optional character I would have gone, "well screw that..."

See, I find Cait Sith to be one of my best fighters. I know, I feel I play VII backwards or something, what with Aerith and Cait Sith being two of my best characters :P
Aeris in terms of limit breaks, they were really handy.

Funny how you mention useful, I don't really know. I only used Cloud/Vincent/Cid because they were cool characters and not on their strength or usefulness. I guess I'll have to say Cloud.
My two most used characters (two because i used them both about equally) were Cid, and Cloud. Cloud because i started the game with him so i was already way more familiar with him than most of the other characters who joined the party, and Cid because I made him the leader of the party later in the game when the time came. So i used him a lot more than the rest of them.
I found the differences in stats between characters to be pretty negligible tbh, save for aeris' attack power.

Since materia eliminates job classes I picked my team based on how useful their limit breaks are in ending boss battles... for me that was Barret.
most useful? thats barret hands down. he can be a great tank or magic caster it all depends on how you use him early in the game. hes the most versatile character in the game. hes got long or short range weapons, and to correct one of you he has ...let me see... 6 short range weapons and 9 long range.

my best combo team i'd have to say is cloud barret and aries/tifa. thats the most useful imo.
I found I didn't use certain people due to there weak limit breaks, as there comes a point where Cid's and Red's limit breaks didn't inflict damage like Cloud's, Barret's and Tiffa's. I would say if Cid's limit 4 was not as weak I thought he was one of the best al-rounders with Red. But always used Barret and Tiffa !