Who is the most useful Playable Character?

Vincent was my most useful character to use especially when I am low on health and can access his limit break. His limit break can easy restore his health fully and it also gives him extra health points. I find him to have good strong physical attacks which usually ends the battle quickier.
I find Red XIII to be the most useful character, being both physically powerful, and magically, ideal for taking on any enemy, moreso than Cloud imo.

Cloud is good too though, his Omnislash Limit Break makes him really good, as well has being pretty good with both attacks and magic.
his omni slash limit break is equal if not better than "the fabled knights of the round"(1997 brady games stratgy guide) the only hang up on that is that you need the right sword in hand.
I cannot and will not separate the characters individually simply because you cannot.
All of the characters are made to work as a team. the whole team work beats all things applies here. Simply because you can mold any character into what you want as the game goes by. You can add certain things to them give them which ever weapon you find useful and such. So separating them in order to distinguish one as better than the other would be useless. If I wanted I could make Yuffie the best character in the game and that would apply to everyone else so yeah....I simply cannot chose one above the others.

For me it was Cloud. He was my only powerhouse throughout the game because he was in my party the longest. My initial party was Aerith, Cloud and Barret and we all know that team was destined to be separated. Then for a while it was Cloud, Tifa and Vincent but I soon realised I hated using Vincent so I switched it to Cloud, Tifa and Barret. So Cloud was by far the strongest, most useful character for me.
To Tifa Rokkuhato:
i see what you are saying in some respects but no matter how you build all party membeers the same way there will still be certin things that any indivdual is better at than the others.
To Tifa Rokkuhato:
i see what you are saying in some respects but no matter how you build all party membeers the same way there will still be certin things that any indivdual is better at than the others.

Heehee, everything in this game works out by status. You can increase any character's stats as much as you want with any type of source and thus making them better at stealing, dealing damage, dodging and all that kinda stuff. So yeah e.e;

I found most useful to be Cloud. But, Usually the character who Meele's is best, at least for me.
to tifa again:yes but not many people would take the time it takes to gather enough sources to tip the scales,thus theree are some characters that are better at some things than others
I can't really say. I mean anyone can use any type of materia for attacking, healing, summoning, augmenting, etc... No one person has a real advantage over the others unless you break it down by what weapons each uses and the strength in attack power or Defensive abilities of each weapon.

Overall it seems that games try to make the guys seem to be the stronger of the characters, but Yuffie was nasty with a few Ninja throwing objects, and Tifa could throw a few Mike Tyson hay-makers here and there when needed.

No individual most useful character to me because of the utility features each one possessed with equipping materia.
Not one character is best for every situation. (Except Cloud, but he's mainly your trump card.)

Barret, Yuffie and Vincent are the only ones capable of fighting aerial enemies. Cloud, Red XIII or Cid w/ Long Range do fine damage too.

In terms of magical strength, Red XIII and Aerith are the top players, besides Cloud.

Barret is the most defensive, for he has a Long-Range Weapon AND he has the vitality, so there's no reason why he shouldn't be in Back Row. Cid, Cait Sith and Vincent do pretty well too.

Limit Break-wise, (Ignore you-know-who) Aerith, Barret, Cid, Vincent, Yuffie and Red XIII have great Limit Breaks. (You even need to give Cait Sith credit for his Dice. It;'s not that bad.)
Well in my opinion it's Tifa and then comes Cloud, Tifa was just really good at the attack and the magic in my party and her limitbreaks kicked ass, Cloud brute strength and Mega uber limitbreak.
Although Aerith saved my ass early on, I think Yuffie was my most useful character by far. She had a good mix of strength and magic, and had high agility. She was the only permanent member of my party besides Cloud, I alternated between Barret and Cid for the other spot. All Creation was a crap limit, but who cares when she had such a great level 3? My Yuffie did extreme damage with Doom of the Living, and with Conformer and Morph, raising stats through sources became easy. Yuffie ftw!
Although Aerith saved my ass early on, I think Yuffie was my most useful character by far. She had a good mix of strength and magic, and had high agility. She was the only permanent member of my party besides Cloud, I alternated between Barret and Cid for the other spot. All Creation was a crap limit, but who cares when she had such a great level 3? My Yuffie did extreme damage with Doom of the Living, and with Conformer and Morph, raising stats through sources became easy. Yuffie ftw!

You too, lover! I thought I was the only one. I used Yuffie, Barret, and (obviously) Cloud.
You too, lover! I thought I was the only one. I used Yuffie, Barret, and (obviously) Cloud.

Please put more effort in your post - the thread is asking who is the most useful character and why. We already have a thread asking what characters you use ^^
The most useful character Barrett - could attack from the back, was strong and had a pretty good limitbreak. And early on he was good, strong and long ranging.
Aeris' final limit was kick ass though, who wouldn't want to be invinsible!?
Most of the times,not to say all the times,I just use the ones I like and I pretty much make them all useful to me.
Main Party:
Cloud-You can't change him anyway.
Tifa:Cause at the beginning her Limit Breaks are very useful if you haven't acquaired the 4th limit breaks of the others,especially if you're fighting a boss.Most of the times I use her for support(cure) but also combat,that's why I don't equip her with a lot of Magic materia.
Aerith:Mostly because of her high magic and useful Limit Breaks.
Later one....
Vincent:He's a long range fighter and dunno what else,but his Limit Breaks too have being useful to me despite the fact that he goes berserker.
Yuffie:She's great for steal,Manipulate,morph and deathblow.So I mostly use her one I want to train my team,or making them stronger(with morph) or making them learn new enemy skills,even though I equip the manipulate materia to almost anyone.
I think the most useful characters are
cloud: strong physical attack; decent magic user; limit breaks rule
barret: good long range and powerful physicals; grand limit breaks
red XIII: good magic; pretty good limit; decent attack
Tifa: decent physical attacks and great limit breaks if u are lucky with the spins.
Dang I never knew Tifa had low magic lol. I just threw Bahamut-Zero and Life-2 on her and called it a day. Well first off, my party was Cloud, Tifa, and Red XIII...idk this is a hard thread to post in lol. Red XIII was amazing early on the game right after you got his father's weapon, but then the other characters eventually catch up. Tifa's limit break is a lot of fun and it's pretty strong before you get Cloud's Omnislash (which i never did. only got to climhazaard and that wind gusty thing) I'll just say that TIfa got me out of a lot of tight situations with her Life-2...
Eh, in ffvii stats don't matter much due to the materia system. I just use who ever I feel like. Though if you want to get technical you could go with Cait Sith (who I hate with a passion) who has nice defense and is good with magic. Cloud as has been said is a nice balance of power and magic. And either Cid for more melee damage or Nanaki for another balance char. I'd suggest Vince for another caster type char but I don't like the fact you lose control of him if you use his limits though if you just use spells you could just use the limit bar as a free hast that stacks with the spell.