who is the worst character on your team?

In contrast to y'all....my weakest character was Vincent as he was the last character I got before I went into the Crater.

No offense to Vincent fans though, I like Vincent too, it's just that I got bored playing and training for a month so I just decided to end the game.
Since Yuffie was my second lowest level character, I couldn't get Vincent to level up as much as I would have liked before the boredom set in.

EDIT: Not 'boredom', I mean, erm....fatigue. That's a better euphemism. :P lol
Tifa was my lowest character. I never used her because I didn't like her limit break. I always go way too many misses.
It would have to be Tifa or Vincent. They were all level 99 when I finally faced Sephiroth, but I found that those two are the weakest than the others. My strongest was Cloud, of course...then I believe Yuffie came next. And I'm talking about attacks here, by the way.
I think that's why Yuffie and Cait Sith conversed so much on AC lol.
Apparently for you guys, they have much in common.
Cait Sith...His limits are dreadful and the conditions on his ultimate weapon are just crap compared to everyone else...

On my last playthhrough i never used him except for the breif part where you have to :lol: cant say i noticed any big change....
Cait Sith and Tifa...
I don't know why but, I just find them weak :dry:

Ugh, I hated barret. Why? Because his limit's suck, his weapons suck even more, and he look like sh**. I had my main party being Cloud, Vincent, and Yuffie. Why Yuffie? Because her speed kicks a$$.
strongest in my team was Cloud, Vincent and Barret

Cait Sith is sh!t and so is Yuffie
Cait Sith. Such a pathetic character. I never include that useless pile of crap in my party. That contributes to him being terrible, I know.
This thread can stay open as long as when you mean 'worst character on your team' you're referring to strictly when you're in battle, and as long as you give reasons why.

If this turns into a thread discussing why you just don't like the character overall, or you just don't give any reasons, I'll have to close it, and re-direct you to the Favorites & Worsts Discussion Thread.