who is YOUR favorite team in FFXII?


ShinRa Guard
Oct 7, 2009
The three people that you use in FFXII, mine would be Vaan, Fran, Ashe.

post your team, and if you want , post why this is a good team to use eg: Vaan for melee, Fran for ranged attacks and Ashe for the magicks like healing.
Can't remenber really, i think it was. Bash,Balthier and Ashe. i also used to changed them all the time depending on the situation, i always had the one that stole items from enemies at all times though, don't remenber who that was.
Balthier, Ashelia, Fran (Larsa). These three were always on my team, I liked them best with the exception of Larsa of course, But yeah they were easiest to train and it was simpler with them because they aren't
slow like Penelo :gonk:
I rotated my teams all the time to keep everyone balanced, but ideally I liked Basch, Fran and Penelo. Basch would rush in and be the bruiser with armor and a spear. Fran would stand back and shoot arrows and/or Black Magic. Penelo had super White/Green Magic going on to support everyone and could even take out an enemy or two with her dagger.
I can't remember now, it's been such a long time, but I would probably choose Vaan, Balthier and Fran. I disliked Vaan's whole story and didn't think he was a brilliant but as the apparent main character it just felt right having him there than not. Balthier, brilliant character overall and pretty much the same goes with Fran. The latter two were definitely my favourites out of the whole party.
My choice in teams would have to Vaan, Fran, and Ashe--a strange combination, but one that was effective for me. Vaan is 10 levels higher than everyone else (long story...) so I just let him dish out the pain. He's the jack-of-all-trades in the party knowing almost all magick and working on mastering those technicks. Fran is a critical striker and lands multiple hits with her katana, PLUS she knows high healing magick. Ashe also deals hefty damage and tends to do multiple hits with her pole, and her healing powers blow Fran's out of the water. The ONLY problem with this team is.....*drum roll*....they practically have no defense. X_x Good thing we have those healing spells. lol =3
My Team

My team would be
Balthier (Because he is the leading man....JK For Ranged),
Bash (close quarters fighter)
Ashe (support)
I found this team Effective.
Masquerade, i like your party, but i have a question... why did you change fran from a range weapon to a katana, it might deal more damage but it cant hit the flying foes without telekinesis, or magic, but magic costs mp with is better to save for healing magic........ im just curios as to why you would change fran from ranged to melee?
My team is: Vaan, Basche, and I switch between Fran and Pennelo. I can't stand Ashe and Balthier, and as for what sort of stuff I give people? I give them all the same weapons and magic lol
My main team consists Balthier (for ranged fighting when I'm not [manually] having him support the others) , Penelo(for any magics that i don't have time to cast such as esuna, hastega, dispel and all that good stuff), and Basch (my heavy hitter :D). I tend to use them for boss fights and marks because I have them outfitted with great armor and weapons. Fran, Vaan, and Ashe are at the same level as them (because I switch out my parties for traveling seeing as how I only use the airship and transport crystals for areas I can't reach on foot) but their armor and weapons aren't as good as my main party. When I ever I play as them, I'm almost always constantly reviving someone! xD
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My team tended to consist of

Basch: Greatswords and heavy armour for a Tank/Damage dealer, (i tended to cast bubble on him alot)

Ashe: Staff and mystic armour for a healer/spellcaster.

Balthier: Guns and the genji gear for ranged attacks,

also, my favorite guest member of the party definately was Judge Gabranth as he was simply awesum.
I used:

Fran - For ranged, I think I used because she was the only non-human playable character. Also, when I first obtained her, she was better with the ranged weapons than Balthier, so she just sort of stayed...
Vaan - For close quarter combat, I kept Vaan in my party simply because he was the main character, also i boosted quite heavily in the Estersands at the begining. so he was always a higher level than the rest of the characters.
Ashe - Healer and summoner. I loved the look of the character, she was an amazing character, and when i got her officially (when you can use her license board)i focused her on poles and healing magic. her magic defense was rather high as well, which helped alot against some of the bosses *cough*demon wall*cough*.

This team worked really well for me:D
These character setup saw me most of the way through the game without changing characters, I would recommend this set-up to all new players as its easy to work with.
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My main team was Vaan for physical attacks and emergency healing (which he was still pretty good at), Balthier for long range attacks and sometimes even more damage, and Ashe for mostly healing.

I ended up switching between Ashe, Penelo, and Fran for magic users a lot. I just didn't know what I wanted. I had Ashe with a staff for awhile, but I wanted it to be more than just two people attacking, even if Ashe sucks with attacks. So I gave her a bow like Penelo and it seemed to work out fine. Fran has sort of become my Kimahri of doing a whole bunch of everything. I love katana's in this game, but ordinary swords and later on broadswords were just better. I didn't want to put an entire weapon section to waste though, so with Fran's speed I give her a katana. She's surprisingly effective with it.

At the start of a boss fight though, I use Basch, Penelo, and Fran. They're sort of my buffer if I fight a tough boss and end up dying. My lovely sacrificial lambs >=D. Right before Basch dies, I remove the Zodiac Spear. Then when I switch to my main team, Vaan gets it. Cruel? Yes, but since unlike any other Final Fantasy, I have no emotional attachment to them so they may sacrifice themselves for my whims. XD
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I have everyone set to certain 'classes' but the main party I use consists of...

Balthier: Gunner with full light armour, buffed with hp while keeping the enemy far back. Works a treat when i'm grinding for items and want to avoid damage.

Fran: Archer with light armour headgear and arcane clothing, gets a mix of hp and mp. She also works as my all round magic fighter, thought I mostly use dark, cura and raise.

Basch: Swordsman with full heavy armour, quite simply the tank with a lot of offensive power and combo rates. Most times he can rip chunks out of even greatly superior enemies (red names ones, for instance)

As for those not in the party...

Penelo: Uses staves and has full mage gear

Ashe: Uses rods/measures and full mage gear

Vaan: Uses daggers/ninja swords and full light armour
My favorite team is Vaan, Basch & Fran, I sometimes switch one of them with Ashe now and then. The only character I don't use is Penelo, I don't know why I just never bothered with her haha.
I don't really have a favourite team, the only character I don't really bother with much is Ashe

I seem to use Bashe, Vaan and Penelo the most though, and I have Balthier and Fran for ranged, so they are slightly lower than those other 3, though now I have Telekenisis (?) it makes no odds and I just use whoever (bar ashe) I just swap those 5 in and out
my top three are Vaan:because he is my highest level, and strongest, Penelo, because she has a TON of magic, atleast...for me... and Ashe because she is all around for me, good magic/mist abilitys, and pretty strong
My main party was Balthier, Basch and Penelo. Penelo was my mage character. Basch was my tank/meat shield and Balthier was kind of whatever I needed him to be. Sometimes I'd give him bows and sometimes I'd give him swords. I didn't really use the other three at all.
Vaan, Ashe and Penelo. They are the only characters on the team that i like alot. I dont really care for Basch, Balthier and Fran. I use everybody but i like using Vaan,Ashe and Penelo the most.
Vaan is a thief with time magic. He wears light armor, Daggers and Katanas
Ashe is a Dark Knight with Arcane magic. She wears heavy armor and 2h swords
Penelo is a white mage and summoner. She wears magic equipment and staves.