who is YOUR favorite team in FFXII?

well Fran sucks she has the worst stats, and Penelo is just bascially a weaker version of Ashe so those two were ruled out for me..

I always have Ashe and Baltheir in my party because baltheir makes a good blocker and Ashe is a good healer (plus these two are the only characters i care about).. And Bashe and Vaan I switch off on everytime i play as the main damage dealer..
Basch,Ashe and Balthier(that was traded with Vaan or Penelo,sometimes).
Just can´t like Fraan =/

I currently thought she was bad developed and don't really like sillence and reserved characters. Maybe that's all about it,because in Lv. 99,their stats didn't made THAT difference from anoter,at least in the normal version. IZJS was different,but just because of the jobs.
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well Fran sucks she has the worst stats, and Penelo is just bascially a weaker version of Ashe so those two were ruled out for me..

I always have Ashe and Baltheir in my party because baltheir makes a good blocker and Ashe is a good healer (plus these two are the only characters i care about).. And Bashe and Vaan I switch off on everytime i play as the main damage dealer..
That's strange to me- I always had either Fran or Balthier- I felt that they were my strongest fighters so I sort of had them as party leaders, with the others as backup. I never had any problems with Penelo either
My team is Vaan, Ashe and Basch. Vaan is the main character so der lol. Ashe and Bashe hit pretty good damage with me so yeah thats all i really need to plow through groups of mobs.

It its a boss fight i switch Ashe with Penelo (my caster) or Fran (ranged). for some reason, eventhough balthier is both higher level AND has a better weapon compared to Frans but she still pwns.
Everyone. :nerd:

Vaan- He usually uses a dagger or one handed sword. He always uses a shield. Sometimes I give him a few white Magic spells.

Balthier- He uses a bow. I hate guns with a passion. He has the highest speed and for some reason he gets Critical with almost every other attack with a bow. <3

Fran- A wild card. It all depends on what I want to make her. She's been pretty much everything. Recently she's been my Arcane/Time-mage with a pole. Actually pretty good, considering her horrid stats.

Basch-Tank. He usually uses a spear, but I have had him with a sword+shield combo.

Ashe- Black Mage mainly, with a staff of course. I have even used her as a Mace+Shield White Mage. Her stats are ridiculous.

Penelo- White Mage with a rod. I tried her as a black mage at first, since Ashe looks more like a white mage, but she has the highest MP so she is suppose to be the White Mage(with support Green spells).
Pretty much the same as a number of people here: Basch taking lead (for his insane strength), Balthier as his ranged backup, and Ashe on support with the occasional offensive magic.
At the moment, I use Vaan, Ashe and Penelo.

If not using them, I use the other three.

Then I change the teams around a little bit with certain bosses according to best strategic plan.
My main party of fave three is Vaan, Ashe and Fran. Vaan is my main attacker and secondary healer, Ashe is my primary healer and secondary attacker, Fran is my ranged and buffer/debuffer/black magic.
Favorite team has to be Fran/Balthier, Penelo, and Basch. A good distribution of long range, melee and white magicks. On the side note, I like leveling up all the characters. Lol, it makes fighting really strong monsters easier.
I'm not that bothered with who I put out, seeing as my whole party can handle most enemies, but at the moment I have Vaan, Ashe and Balthier. Vaan uses the Ragnarok, Ashe has the Zodiac Spear because she has the highest level in my party and Balthier has the Masamune.
Balthier,( black magic) Basch (hard attacker) and Ashe ( Healing magic )are my favorite party to play with; basically because of my silly romantic tendencies. Pirate, Knight and the Lady. ^_^ But the second favorite party to play with are all girls. Then Ashe, Penelo and Vann because they are all similar age.