Who is your favourite main charcter from ff10

who is favourite charcter from ff10

  • Tiedus

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • Aroun

    Votes: 27 51.9%
  • yunea

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • Riku

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Seymorea

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
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i would have to say Yuna, not only because she looks like one of my best friends, but shes strong willed and cares for others....plus i trained her to be as powerful as auron :D:D
I personally liked Yuna because she grew so strong in the game and it was mainly due to Tidus's influence. So yeah, there goes my vote to Yuna. She was the only character (apart from Tidus) who developed so much throughout the game. At first, she was shy and then she spoke to the whole of Luca at the end. That's an achievement. To actually defeat Sin and be able to stay strong when someone you know and love has gone away.

I would also have to say that my vote went for yuna..because:

Yuna went through a lot during the game, she had to grow up fast becomming a summoner and all(including the fact that she knew she was going to die in the end). And i like how she saw through yunalesca's lies, and called it false hope. And was ready to challenge the whole spira government to show that summoners no longer had to die, that their no longer had to be a CYCLE. That she could END sin once and for all.I also like how she fought her own aeons(THIS part was particulary annoying gamewise to me, because i had found the magus sisters....and they tried to give me a hard time.lol.)...and she destroyed them so that sin could die. IN the big picture, i think Yuna was the ATONEMENT wakka was talking about. He always said they needed to atone for their sins, and Sin would go away, well, i think Yuna was the emodyment of atonement.-------well anyways.lol. there was my annalysis.and my vote.
yuna was my favorite character durning the first time i played the game. ( the first time i played i never used wakka,tidus,kimarha, or auron) but the second and thrid time i played i used the tidus and ever since i did that tidus and yuna are my favorite character in FFX
My pick goes to Auron, IMO he's the most powerful of all the characters, not to mention Calm, Cool & Wise.

My second would have to be Yuna. What more can you say about someone willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the world.
Auron is my favourite, seymore is not a main character and u really need to learn how to spell, who is tiedes? etc.
Auron for me, he just played his part extremely well throughout the entire game and he never, ever left my party.
LMAO, sweet monkey jesus, Auron is just the Vincent of X, lol.

i just love samurais, (which he pretty well was), and he was all silent and the man, and the whole one arm thing raises aquestion for me, how strong is this guy when he can be equal strength to the rest of the poarty, and only be using one arm.

LMAO, sweet monkey jesus, Auron is just the Vincent of X, lol.

i just love samurai's, (which he pretty well was), and he was all silent and the man, and the whole one arm thing raises a question for me, how strong is this guy when he can be equal strength to the rest of the party, and only be using one arm.

P.S. srry for dual post.
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Tidus Was my Favorite character in that whole game. He seemed to be the most realistic character in all of Final Fantasy. I don't really think he was whiny considering his situation. I mean if you just witnessed a big ass monster destroy your hometown and you're flung to an alternate reality wouldn't you be freaked out atleast ALOT. And he went out of his way to defend people of a world he didn't even have time to get close to. I'm talking about the people of Spira. I doubt he was there two months and he's risking his life for them when he didn't have to. And when he found out he wasn't real just made him even better. I don't know how i would have took it if someone told me I'd disappear.
I would definately have to say Auron. He's strong, smart, calm, and DEAD. His only downside is he's slow but i put him through Rikku's grid when i got done with him. Oh yeah, he also has a lot of HP.
Yuna, plainly because she is the one that Summons, and I like to accuire new aeons and summon them to defeat things.. If I had to pick other than Yuna, it would be Auron, he acts cool, but he is calm and cool. There is a difference from acting cool and being cool.
I watched a clip of Yuna's sphere for the Guardians for when she was gone, and i've changed my mind to Kimhari even though he isn't on the list. He has looked after Yuna since she was seven, especially when things where hard, like when she fully realised that her father would never be coming back home to her, Kimhari just took her in his arms. I think he represents a kind of fatherly figure?
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