Who is your favourite main charcter from ff10

who is favourite charcter from ff10

  • Tiedus

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • Aroun

    Votes: 27 51.9%
  • yunea

    Votes: 9 17.3%
  • Riku

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • Seymorea

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
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You just made me shoot soda out my nose... :| Kinda hurts... kinda tickles...

Anyhow, I do know what you mean. That's part of why I appreciate Auron and Wakka. In a sense I feel that these characters all make up part of "human emotion". Each has a semi-stereotypical role that they play in the game, but on a much deeper level, they represent parts of us. I think that's why we all have opinions on them. There aren't a lot of "meh" characters, unless we completely can't relate to them. It would explain why I'm not a fan of Kimarhi... silence was never my strong suite. :dry: But it does explain why I'm a fan of Wakka and Auron because, while opposites, they do kind of describe me in a sense. I can be very serious and somewhat insightful one minute... and the next I'm dumber than a brick. But I'd wager money that most of the people you like respresent positive things about yourself and characters that you're not a fan of might represent parts of yourself that are either negative or barely in existance.

Aww, I'm sorry. Lol, I couldn't resist. :P

But yes, the whole emotion thing is what keeps me close to the characters. If I find a similarity between me and a character, I immediately take a liking to that certain character. Perhaps it's because I like the idea of seeing a similar-me in a screen, being developed as the story unfolds. But I'm also attracted to those characters that are the opposite of me. As long as they have and show emotion, I instantly think they're cool. ^_^
I value Wakka over anyone else, but I'll swing with Kimahri. The strong silent type, but also has that nifty Piercing ability on most of his weapons. Instant luffles for him. He's pretty strong at the start, too.

Personality-wise though... Au---ah, screw it. I'll stick with these two again. Wakka being as dense as he is, came out with one or two phrases which made me smile. Kimahri... well, again, strong silent type. Complete contrasts to eachother... priceless.
me Rikku ALL DA WAY!!!!! shes the Bomb!! i love her shes cool thats why i have a rikku avatar && signture:) :rolleyes: ;)
Auron for me. He carries a huge ass sword. And he's such an awesome damage dealer.

Second one goes to Tidus. His upbeat attitude is pretty good. Also without his attitude the story would be kind of boring since all the other characters are kind of passive.
its gotta b tidus 4 me. he is always runnin around n screamin wen he feels like. and he doesnt take anything seriously.
I guess I'm gonna go with the majority here and choose Auron just because of the badass factor. I have to say, though, Tidus was really a pretty good main character. He was a lot of the reason FFX was as fun as it was.
I'm quite the fan of Lulu. No, not for her peripherals, but for her general cold personality, and inner warmth.

Not the most complex of characters, but she sort of reminds me of myself. (I'm very... unwilling to interact with new people).
lol I can tell I'm out of it today. I just sat here staring at the poll thinking "Who is Riku? The one from kingdom hearts? The mod? What?" Apparently a rough day and a missing k can kick you in your ass pretty quick.
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