Who Likes Poems?

  • Thread starter Meikyousisui
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thanx meik thats one of the moment i was in deep thought and it popped in my head but heres one i writing a long time ago

i need help wit the title

i wonder if life is an illusion created by the mind;concept of cofusion expressed between these lines
i wonder if the basics of motality is express in vitality;pain and grievences that forms extreme agony
i wonder if destruction is always cause by the ignorance of man or the reason of incopetance,war is so highly in demand
i wonder if temptation is simply a concept or the expression of ones true deception
i wonder are the true forces of good and evil and y is it caught in and evergoing circle
Well this poem is also great i love it alot and well if u want a name for this one i think i would call it "Wondering".This is a great title for it but if u have a better one then go with your opinion.Well i will add more soon i hop just have to work on them.
I know not the significanceOr the meaning of my sadness...There's a fairy-tail from times pastA lingering portion of my madness.The air is cool as light recedesAnd calmly flows the Rhine;The peak of a nearby mountain glowsIn the gloaming sun's shine.Above a chaste woman sitsRadiant and quite unaware;With golden jewelry flashingShe combs her golden hair.She strokes it with a glittering comb,As she toils a song's befalling.A mysterious song, an enchanting airWith a melody enthralling.Her lay is heard by the boatmen nearWho are seized with woe and painAnd tho' there are dangerous rocks nearbyTo her visage and song they strain.So, the boat is lost and the boatmen, tooEngulfed, I do implyBy the beautiful face and enticing strain,The song of the Lorelei.

Proud of my broken heart, since thou didst break it.Proud of the pain, I did not feel ?till thee.Proud of my night, since thou, with moons, dos't shake it.Not to partake thy passion, -my humility
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"These sunny afternoons in the sunroom
feet up on the desk, notebook
open on thigh —
poetry is the physics of literature
the art of art, an act
of listening to the world.
You come to the edge of thought
and peek over
into a kind of quarry
or amphitheatre facing the sea
at the joy of consciousness.
You let yourself down
into the wellspring of your body
world of the poem
a window out of ourselves, slowing down
'til you enter its orbit and the gravity well draws
you through the atmosphere
settles you on its surface."


"The lamb went to sleep on a bank and dreamed
of earth, earthworms, flies
grass grew through its pelt.
Its mother slid down the slope
burning the turf with her decay
flies sunned themselves on the skid mark.
Skylarks sang in heaven, where God was a huge old
bearded head, just outside the blue dome looking in.
Sleep tight little lamb
like a rock drawing."
O Darling once you said please dont cry there will be the day we will meet again.The world is soooo small,there is realy no reasend for crying,you'll see we will meet again more soon as you can think of.
I love you and if too peoples are so in love as we are a Good bye has got his own Melody.

I've written this one for my teenage love.
Well u all have some great poems i am just so happy that there are more ppl that like making poems.Well here are some more that i have hope u enjoy them alot.*Cries*

I call this one "Someday"

Someday you'll love me
Someday you'll care
Someday you'll treasure the moments we have shared
Someday you'll love me
Someday you'll care
Someday you'll realize that love isn't a game to be played
Someday you'll find out that words just get in the way
Someday you'll love me
Someday you'll care
Someday you'll know that saying it's over is a hard thing to say
Someday you'll know that true lovers are never apart
Someday you'll realize that you once had my heart
Someday you'll love me
Someday you'll care
And when that day comes...
This one is called "Being there"

When you're all alone
and feeling blue,
Just reach out your hand...
I'll be there for you.

When you need love
or that special touch,
To feel the passion
that you need so much,

When you need a shoulder
or just a friend,
Someone to talk to...
your heart I will mend.

So, when you need love
or you're feeling blue,
To feel the passion,
I'll be there for you...
Poems always make me cry when i am making them for no reason.
Yeah I like to make some, here are 2 of mine:

I’ve gotta tell him that I’m sorry
For all the things I’ve said
Maybe we will fall apart
I’d never thought of that
I’ve gotta tell him that I’m sorry
For all the things I’ve done
This should be the right time now
Cause I waited all so long
I’ve gotta tell him that I’m sorry
Maybe we will fall apart
There’s only one thing left to do
I’ve gotta rob his heart

and a very short one

Dunno what I hear
Dunno what I see
But everything I feel, that's what matters to me..

I also placed that in my sig :P
Well that was a nice poem crystal i liked it so much well i made another poem i was working on it a week and i finally have it done.Well this is a love poem and its for a very special girl here at FFF i am not going to say who but she's here.

Well i call this poem "A cute poem for a cute girl".

You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you most.

You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love

When I'm with you I will not cry even a single tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile

Its so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a fream come true
It all began when I was loved by you

Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Cause you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt

I wish I could talk 'till the end of the day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show.
I will make more soon and keep on posting them.
I've got a couple, for those who bother to read poetry. This first one points out how we tend to ignore the tragedies of the homeless life;

An Elegy for the Forgotten

New York, one November night
Another lies lifeless in the mud
His clothes drenched in dirt and red
In his own puddle of blood

But none take notice of this loss
They just walk on by
After all, what's a bum to them?
Just a nameless person to die

There would be none to mourn for him
No coffins or their lids
Not even his slayers would feel regret:
Gleaming magnums in the hands of kids

Yet people pass this alley by
Mostly busy or just bored
None will see this nightmare-come-true
The bum is left ignored


...and this one I am especially proud of. Subject; Conformity

Dancing in Masks

I open my eyes and gaze about
Engulfed within my fear and doubt
Everything I could ever see
Is tainted in mere blasphemy
From all this, I shield my face
Of the horrors taken place
Fearful that I am to be scarred
By shame in the form of a glass shard

Out these portholes do I glance
At everyone in their wicked dance
They all step in unison
But where am I to fit in?
With my steps, I try to be synchronized
Yet, much too late, I realized
All that could go wrong, went wrong
I could not hold this act for long

Had to think fast, but what to do?
How was I to follow through?
Then I stopped and stepped aside
And watch the others dance in pride
Back and forth in constant beat
That's the way they stamped their feet
They were quite nimble, like a cat
I realized I could never do that

Turning my back against the crowd
I walk away and say aloud,
"This isn't really worth my time.
Everyone's performing the exact same mime."
As I walk to a land the light engulfed
I toss my mask and find myself
Thanks crystal it was kinda nice I guess I will do you a favor and make my next one for you.Oh and shenorai that was a cool poem also i liked it alot.
Crystal just like I promised you i made you to poems just for you.

My love for you is unconditional
My love for you is real
My love for you is something
so incredible to feel

Holding you on those summer nights
Feeling your soft kiss with the sun
My love for you is something
that never once had to be won

I love you with the passing days
and with those we have not seen
You are the one in all my thoughts
in all my living dreams

You are the one whose hand is in mine
Whose lips I can't ignore
You are my life, my world, my love
You're all that I adore.
Call that one "My Love For You"

And here is the second one i made for you

I wonder if I dreamed of you-
if you would appear?
To make my nights full of love,
and always hold me near.

I wonder if I thought of you-
if you would feel it in your soul?
Like two spirits in the universe,
who always seem to know.

Even if the stars went black
and the sun were to shine no more.
They could find their way to each other,
no matter how far the shore.

Safely in each other's arms,
to bid the rest of time.
Finding Eternal Love
so many seek to find.

Caring for each other
through the worst of storms.
Leaning on the arms of love
and never need anymore.

This is how I feel for you,
I've known it all along.
You are my one true love
My world.. My heart.. My soul!
Call that one "ETERNAL LOVE"

Hope you love them alot crystal.:inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
Thanks ^_^

I've no name for this poem. This was done in my old Creative Writing class. The challenge was to not repeat any words (besides the obvious a, an, the, etc.). I tried the best I could and came out with this;

Dark night overcomes day's final light.
Withered trees sway slowly without rhythm.
Ebony wings gently stroke tall blades of grass.
Midnight-blue eyes stare vaguely towards stars.
She stands there, against grayed stones that have seen civilization rise, fall, and grow again.
Wishes are uttered from rose petal lips to return mong her fading race.
Sadly, no answer heeds hopeless dreams, except those lying within vast heavens above.
So lays an angelic form upon wind-swept lands, fogs of slumber closing in fast.
Forgetting sorrow, ignoring petty pasts, sleep tames a restless mind.
For until dawn's glow is cast upon ivory flesh,
The winged girl's spirit dances across water colored skies.