who should have died?


Dec 13, 2008
im sorry if this has been posted before (which it probably has) but all the way throughout FF VII I always felt alot closer to Tifa than I did to Aerith and there was a big part of me that wanted cloud to end up with Tifa and not Aerith... to a certain point i wasn't completely dissapointed when Sepiroth killed Aerith, simply because I hoped that it may result in Tifa getting with cloud.

So I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone else share this opinion or have any comments on mine
We already have an LTD thread that you can happily post in that about Cloud getting with Tifa. If any of that is going to be shared here, I will close this thread.

There is no who should've died. Aerith was meant to die to save the planet. It has nothing to do with Cloud getting with Tifa at all. If TIfa had died, it would've screwed up the whole story, because it was Tifa who helped Cloud get back all of his memories and find himself again.

Aerith's death was essential to the plot because for one, the creators wanted to convey the feeling of loss, heartbreak and sorrow of a very dear friend to everyone in Cloud's party, as they'd all grown to love Aerith, and for two it was her duty as the last remaining Ancient to save the world, and thus she did, even in death she still saved the planet.
Just to expand on what Juliet was saying, the entire reason why Sephiroth decided to kill Aeris in the first place was because she was the last remaining Centra and she posed a threat to Sephiroth’s plans to destroy the planet. Tifa on the other hand didn’t pose any sort of threat to Sephiroth whatsoever so he had no reason to kill her.
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Yeah, this whole Aeris dying event had to do with her being the last Centra; not because Aeris lost out in a game of Rock, paper, scissors to Tifa over who had to die and who would end up with Cloud.

Since Aeris was the last Centra, she was the only one capable of using the Holy Materia to stop Sephiroth's Meteor spell. While Aeris really didn't have to die, it made the story more epic and meorable for those playing the game and living the adventure. While I played the game I hardly liked Aeris as a playable battle character, but after her sacrifice by the katana of Sephiroth, you see she's more than just another member of your party; she's the history of a people wiped out by Jenova.

Aeris was the sole reason FFVII ended with victory.
There is no who should've died. Aerith was meant to die to save the planet. It has nothing to do with Cloud getting with Tifa at all. If TIfa had died, it would've screwed up the whole story, because it was Tifa who helped Cloud get back all of his memories and find himself again.

Actually, Aerith's death was irrelevant to saving the world, outside of Sephiroth deciding to kill her because she posed a threat. Her death was in no way a requirement for summoning Holy, and the lifestream was a very fortunate unintended consequence.

Aerith's death was essential to the plot because for one, the creators wanted to convey the feeling of loss, heartbreak and sorrow of a very dear friend to everyone in Cloud's party, as they'd all grown to love Aerith, and for two it was her duty as the last remaining Ancient to save the world, and thus she did, even in death she still saved the planet.

Well, yes, but again, you phrase it like saving the world via Holy would have required her death, which I think detracts from the whole ordeal. If she means to die, her death loses quite a lot for his meaning.
Her dying definitely wasn't necessary, it's just a case of Sephiroth, or Seph's clone in this case putting a bounty on Aeris because he/they knew she was the one who could foil his plans and stop her from summoning Holy. He thought that if she was dead, than his plan would have the red carpet rolle dout and it would work perfectly with no interference.

Aeris was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and even though it was unexpected to the part, she happened to fall victim to the murder. Now to think of it, it wasn't so much of a sacriice as it was being a martyr overall. Maybe not in the means that she dies for a belief, but her role in this story is bigger than many can see at first glance.
Aerith or Aeris died because it was ment to be, she posed a threath to Sephiroth and that is why he disposed of her, she did not sacrifice herself or anything, she expected to survived and join Cloud but that was just not meant to be.

Her death did not influence anything really, the world was not saved because of her, she simply played her part as a secondary character and like a secondary character was disposed off to give the story a more...emotional touch.
I believe it could have only been aerith who died, because if she didn't then I think Holy would have wiped out the planet along with meteor. Red XIII says something along the lines of holy having the opposeite effect then you see th lifestream come outand essentially stop both meteor and Holy, which I think was down to Aeriths spirit

Whether opr not there is any truth in that, iunno. But that's my theory on it, and I know Ive sais that somewhere befor. Soo, as much as I like Aerith as a character, I don't think it would hjave had quie the same affect had it been someone else who snuffed it
I, personally, sm glad that Aerith was killed off. And not because it gave some boo-hoo moments to the rest of the gang, or because she was turned into a martyr... I just happen to find her character completely obnoxious.

But anyway, something that has been touched on, but not addressed directly is the fact that Cloud and Friends may not have had the strength to go through saving the world if not for her. Cloud clearly loved her, even if only platonically, and it seemed to me that at least half of his motivation for pursuing Sephiroth was out of vengeance.
I believe it could have only been aerith who died, because if she didn't then I think Holy would have wiped out the planet along with meteor. Red XIII says something along the lines of holy having the opposeite effect then you see th lifestream come outand essentially stop both meteor and Holy, which I think was down to Aeriths spirit

Whether opr not there is any truth in that, iunno. But that's my theory on it, and I know Ive sais that somewhere befor. Soo, as much as I like Aerith as a character, I don't think it would hjave had quie the same affect had it been someone else who snuffed it

Holy was 'having the opposite effect' (Original line: is doing more harm than good) referred to the fact that Holy was destroying Midgar even as it fought Meteor and wasn't able to fight it at full power. What Aerith did with the lifestream was push the conflict away from the planet so that Holy could go to town and do its job without falout.
Hence the reason her face flashed onto the screen during the pivitol moment. I figured it'd be obvious that Aerith does, in fact, hold power over The Lifestream after FFVII:AC released. Unless you don't hold it to be canon.
Reliant, where are you getting that 'at least half' of Cloud's motivation for going after Sephy was vengeance for Aerith? He had plenty of reason to hunt Sephy well before Aerith died. Now, for the rest of the party, yes, she was very much a strong personal reason to seek Sephy for Vengeance, but Cloud had that motivation from the start.

That's why I said "seems to me". The writers of FFVII intentionally left a lot of things open to interpretation, and even said so. And I get that from the way Cloud was acting immediately after, the way that anytime there were difficult decisions to be made Aerith would always be brought up in the discussion.

It's not that I disagree with you, per se, I just don't know if Cloud would have made it all the way to the end AND succeeded if not for getting his revenge for Aerith (This is obviously taking aside the fact that the player determines the outcome of the game or not). It was a huge plot point, and major character devloping on his part.
I would say Aerith should still be the one who died, otherwise we wouldn't hate Sephiroth and then we could not get the satisfaction of killing him:P
well in advent children, sepiroth asks him what he cherishes most, and aerith makes some appearances throughout the film, even once she has died she still is involved quite a lot. i think she was even involved in the cure for geostigma. and cloud replies to sepiroth theres nothing that i dnt cherish. and defeats sephy. i dnt think that normally, cloud would have been able to defeat the best ever 1st class soldier, sephy. bt coz of hos rage, and wanted to seek forgiveness from aerith, he found the strenth to kill him. i didnt really give a crap wether she died, bt she stil plays a hige part in the story.
Since cloud was playing zack all along he felt the need to love aeris because before he met zack his love always was tifa so i hope he crosses the zack problem and gets to love tifa he should since you see in advent children zack and aeris are finally together.