Who thinks this is the worst Final Fantasy?

Do you think this is the worst FinalFantasy?

  • yes

    Votes: 41 37.6%
  • no

    Votes: 68 62.4%

  • Total voters
I voted yes ... because i really hate this game. After X came out i was pleased that they decided to carry on with it but then they released the travesty we all rushed out to buy. It is just bad. Not enough characters, very short, poor soundtrack and overall generally bad game play. I tried to play through it again last week but i turned it off when i got to gagazet (about 30 mins inot the game) because it is just horrible.
I voted no.

I am not a fan of FFX at all, or Yuna in X. In X, Yuna was boring, and dull, and reminded me of a little wind up doll that was just doing whatever everyone else told her to do. In X-2 she was being herself. And the fact that Tidus is barely in it (depending on what you do, automatically makes it better xD)

I hated Blitzball, so I didn't care what they did to it in X-2. I like flashy, gaudy over the top-ness.

FFX-2 was a light-hearted romp with some fun mini-games and fun music x3 I actually really love X-2, and prefer it over VIII & X any day of the week.
X-2 is good in places but as a general FF, its pants! Blitzball was kinda shit in the first place and they just fucked it up even more, not to mention all the other problems it has which I shall mention in my thread when I get round to carrying on with the game.
No, it wasn't the worst. Too easy yes, but still playable. But I hated all 3 girls. And Blitzball in this. Probably my main gripes with the game :/ - it was kinda pointless though.
I am actually playing through x-2 again right now, its not the best, but its not the worst either. I voted no.
I thought it was alright, but not as good as the other FF series. It does get kinda boring because I played FFX and it has the same location and whatnot.
i put a Yes mainly because ffX-2 only sullied the good memories of ffX. ffX-2 brought absolutly nothing positive to the series, everything in that game felt irritating and clumsy. Fenerally ffX-2 was too goody-goody same with IX its just too happy for a final fantasy. I would of liked X-2 to of been a prequal showing braskas pilgrimage or maybe a previous summoner , since yuna story should of been pretty much over.In short final fantasy's should have some darker parts to it . Noy saving the world by holding a concert
I actually didn't have much of a problem with this game.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that great, either - it was an okay game, and I think that it's still a Final Fantasy, no matter how you look at it.

Still...I did find the whole girl-power....stuff...to be a little over the top. Plus, it was hard for me to believe that it took place only two years after the end of Final Fantasy X.
But it had a heartwarming story in certain ways, and the battle system wasn't all that bad.
I suppose I didn't mind it, either, because they reintroduced classes - I like (meaning I prefer) definite character classes.
Who thinks this is the worst FinalFantasy? well i think its not what i thought it would be, i mean only 3 people!! and whats up with those bitchy dress sphers but the worst thing is that theres no Tidus! its not FFX without Tidud dont ya think?

any way what are your thoughts?

Well...it definitly wasn't my favorite...but then XII came out and took the cake. stupid XII.
I don't know if it's the worst (I've heard horror stories about Crystal Chronicles x-x), but it wasn't really up to par with any of the others. There were many elements I liked about this game, such as the Shuyin/Lenne backstory/tie-in, and Yuna wanting to find Tidus, but it really failed to capture the feel of Final Fantasy X. There was too much altering done to the characters (Yuna's altering was the worst, too much sunshine and butterflies to be truly Yuna) and there's absolutely no challenge (Vegnagun was a joke, only outdone by Yu Yevon with automatic Auto-Life so you can't die). Thing is it seemed to much like a slapped together project since FFX was all the rage at the time. It wasn't detestably horrible but they could've done way better.
I don't know what everyone's problem is. I LOVE this game! I found X-2 soooo much better than X. X is way to linear and you just follow the path through the game with no exploration. X-2 is my second favourite of all the FF games, and my fave is IX. The dressphere system is fantastic (much better than the sphere grid) and I don't give a crap about Blitzball. I think most people (guys) SAY they "hate this game" because it has kinda a girly feel to it and they don't want people to know they like it.
Yes, the girl-power stuff is kinda stupid, but DAMN THIS GAME IS GOOD!
It is definitely the worst! I mean it's way too girly - that's not what we buy FF for!!!
The dress sphere system wasnt all that great. I prefered the sphere grid since it was more flexable.
FFX has more exploration than ffx-2.You actually go through the places in spira by foot (mostly)
FFx-2 is too easy the only place i died on was trema and paragon.
FFX had the puzzles in the temples which were really fun to do.
The storyline of ffx was more epic and deeper then ffx-2.
In ffx-2 you bascially start with the airship which meant you could go anywhere from the start which made it less adventurous.
You get more side quests to do in ffx.
The battles in ffx-2 seemed to be repetetive ( all i did was attack mostly) and against enemies that had over 100000 hp i used the cat nip and trigger happy to finish my enemies.
FFX is longer
Out of all the FF games I've played I think it is. I've played:

X-2 (well, a tiny bit)
Crystal Chronicles

and I enjoyed them (crystal chronicles was great, especially as I played it with my cousins and bro; we had a right laugh!). I say it is the worst 'cause I disn't bond with it like I would if it was a true FF game. I just didn't feel that it was.
This game just...I've said before that I'm sorry I played it.
The girls all look like Hussies, and it ruins the perfect ending.