Who thinks this is the worst Final Fantasy?

Do you think this is the worst FinalFantasy?

  • yes

    Votes: 41 37.6%
  • no

    Votes: 68 62.4%

  • Total voters
Who thinks this is the worst FinalFantasy? well i think its not what i thought it would be, i mean only 3 people!! and whats up with those bitchy dress sphers but the worst thing is that theres no Tidus! its not FFX without Tidud dont ya think?

any way what are your thoughts?

I voted NO on this one, okay so maybe Blitzball was ruined and the card game in IX was deffinately addictive but X-2 was so unique being a sequel it had the background plot (And one of the best in my opinion) of FFX to be based on and you actually look forward to seing "Tidud" again (LOL)
Yeah, I would say this is the worst. I can hardly get through it.

Things that I really didn't like about this game:
-Yuna- in X she appeared to be a sweet but naive girl on a pilgrimage. But as the story goes on, you find out how mature and self sacrificing she it. She was willing to sacrifice herself for the happiness of others and she found out what Seymore was up too and was going to marry him in an attempt to send him. In X-2, she seems to have reverted to a thirteen year old teeny bopper. I hardly recognized her in this game. She seemed to become Rikku#2 And what happened to her white magic?

-The outfits. I don't have a problem with Rikku dressing on the skimpy side. But Yuna? Uh no. More damage to her character. I would have liked if Yuna at least dressed modestly. I mean, she was looking for Tidus, why dress
in a way that will attract every man in Spira's attention? Paine was alright but I would think a warrior would want ALL their skin covered to avoid, you know, pericings.

-One word "disaterific"

-Singing? What, did these girls sign a contract with Disney? Personally, I would have though Yuna wouldn't have wanted all that attention on her.

-Job changing. It's Pretty Soldier Sailor Yuna! Actually, it was fun at times to see them transform, but I couldn't help but think of magical girl anime.

-Rikku became incredibly annoying! She was fine in X if not a little bothersome, but in this game...

-The title. X-2. It just sounds silly considering X is the tenth sequel. It would be like Aladin 3-2, or Legally blond 5-2 or any other sequel to a sequel.
I wouldn't actually count it as a 'real' final fantasy game. To me, it is just an optional mini game of FFX...that may sound stupid but its how i feel about that game.
Ol' square enix realized that Final Fantasy X was able to garner more female players than previous final fantasies-something they dearly want to accomplish because if more girls become gamers then more money money money...They capitalized on this additional female consumer base and made a game geared directly towards females...If you hook them on the next installment of the series, they are more likely to buy future additions....And with popularity of anime and cosplay at an all-time high-which is garnering more female popularity by the minute, you've got a good base for future diehards to ensure...future sales.

I was hooked on FFX so buying and playing X-2 was a must...but it doesn't compare to most all of the final fantasy products out there....It was purely a money-making whore of a game...Nothing wrong with that...Hey, the guys at square enix (squaresoft back in the day) have given me hours upon countless hours of enjoyment, I hope that favor is returned them, honestly. I'm willing to give them a pass on jumping on a significant money-making opportunity....and honestly, although the game wasn't the greatest, I still enjoyed it.

Oh yeah, and guys, don't let it happen again. :lol:
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I'll say no just because I don't really think there is a "worst" Final Fantasy game. Sure it's not as good as some of the others, but I'm glad as hellt aht I was able to play it. It's a whole new adventure with some of my favorite characters of all-time. Sure teh story could ahve been better, but a poor FF is better than no FF at all.
I agree with Rydia.
Yuna went from shy, quiet, softspoken, kindhearted girl who was on a quest to save the world, to...gun wielding, loud mouth, showing too much skin, frolicking around in a bikini on mt Gagazette, drawing all the attention in the world to herself...

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. I hated this game.
Lol. Well I admit, this game took me many months to finally finish it because the storyline just didn't interest me that much, so there were months that I didn't care if I finished the game or not. But eventually one day, I managed to turn on my PS2 and finished the game.

Like I said earlier though, I don't think it's the worst...erm, I just think that the other ones were way better than this one.
X-2 was horible in my opinion. i think that there were way too many side quest and stuff that you had to do, to be able to complete the game. it also felt like to me that there truly was no story line.

X-2 was horible in my opinion. i think that there were way too many side quest and stuff that you had to do, to be able to complete the game. it also felt like to me that there truly was no story line. also what is up with the only three characters that are playable and the dressphere thing sucked
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I voted no...even though it is rather weird, especially the name itself and Yuna's drastic personality/clothing change, I found it to be quite enjoyable :) If you get Normal or Perfect ending, you get excellent closure after what happened in X. So while it isn't the greatest sequel in the world, it's a cool little add-on, in my opinion.
It was really nice having a female lead for a change, but the game wasn't enjoyable at all to play, the two biggest let down for me where no summons at all, and the stupid dresspheres where annoying
well i like it ^_^ it was a mission getting to 100% but i made it lol. though i pwned at level 65 o_O i think it was a little too easy but i like the cinema and play........... all i ever used was Gunner(Yuna), Warrior(Paine), and Thief(Rikku). i maxed their weapon sphere ^_^ total pwnage
X-2 was the worst. The story was "meh" and the gameplay was a complete turnoff.
Here is my answer in a nutshell... HECK NO!

My reason: No Tidus = Better than X.

Sure, the game was corny, but the lack of Tidus was much loved and appreciated by yours truly. ^^
Not THE worst...but definitely one of the worst FF's I've played. I don't know, too much girlpower and stuff. I liked the fact that the game was more dynamic in battles with the chains and stuff, but come on...major letdown story wise...
Also i voted no cause to it was a decent game from my view the only thing that was really anoying was the 3 characters and the dresssheres saying that it was the easiest final fantasy game ever made to me cause I had beat it in less then 4 days with a 100% finish it was real easy but the worst final fantasy game was really FF9 to me it did not make sense.