who thinks zell and selphie might be brother and sister?

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Oo, creepy thought, lol. I don't think they are because they'd have said that in the story line... wouldn't have they? :S
They aren't blood related for sure but it would make some sense if they were, both hyper and funloving...

If similar=related than that means im not related to my brother! WOOT!(thank god!)
Seriously:I hate him...
being related highly unlikely. As many people before me have said the game would have hinted at it, or during the big all important flashback sequence they would have remembered. They also look no where near alike hair completly diffrent and everything. I also believe they are the same age which would mean they would have to be almost twins, and since they look nothing alike there goes that theory.

They only have one thing in common, thier personality which is hyper.
Hahaha definitely not! I don't think they would be related by blood at all. Being similar in personalities doesn't mean that you have to be related to that person. I do believe they were fairly different in personality though. Zell was more aggressive and seemed to be angered very easily while Selphie was loving and sweet to her friends. Both were cool characters!
I think this should be closed as there is no shread of proof these 2 are related and it would have been brought up in the game.

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