Who wants to be my friend?

why do you guys mix up goth, scene, and emo?

Goth:a group of people from midevil times.

scene:a retarded group of idiots

emo:same as scene, except they want to do, whereas scene just makes others want to die.

anyway, on forums, I just make friends......though a chatroom helps.

In real life.....well, it's harder there, since no matter how helpful, nice, and friendly you are, you won't get a friend that way. But if your a complete ass, the people will flock to you. I don't remember how I got most of my friends though...... I've known most for so long, I can't remember. Though recent friends I met just by sitting down at a table with a couple and the rest were the friends of the ones at the table I sat at.
In real life:well there's 3 ways:
1-you can have a fight with the guy you want to be his friend.
2-invite him to hang out with you.
3-go and say "Hi do you wanna be my friend?"

On the internet:
1-you can say some pervert jokes.
2-you can ask any1 to be your friend coz every1 are frindley on the internet.
On forums (which is ironic because I'm completely new here so I guess I'm lacking friends :P) I just try to chat it up with people and post meaningful things and just....I duno......talk to everyone and be nice? Some forums have a lot of stuck up members and it's hard to make friends though. I hope this place isn't like that.

In real life I usually meet new people through current friends so that stranger barrier is already broken. I don't just go up to random people who I think look cool and start chatting with them. XD
Sark, trust me, if the person looks like they'd get along with u, it doesn't matter if they're random strangers, talk to them. That's how I met most of my friends.
On chatrooms or forums, I also have a habit of asking for people's real name. That's just me. I need to call them by a name, not "DragonKnight" or something weird. Besides, using someone's name tends to be more personal, and depending on the person whom you're speaking with, it usually is more preferable that way.