Who was bored sick of ultros ?

Ach, every game has one of them.

I feel that it adds to the persistance of your opposition and continues to create a sense of constant rivalry between you and this character, however minor or major they are to the story. Whether it's Ultros, the Turks and Jenova, Biggs and Wedge or the Black Waltzs, I feel the same with them all - it just wouldn't be complete without them.
Comic relief as a mini-recurring boss in the game. He may seem almost pointless at times, but he acts as mainly an obstacle more than anything else for the main party.

I think my toughest fight with him was just getting to him in the Opera Theater when it was a timed mission.
He's never hard...and actually several times you practically have to WORK at losing to him...

1 - The first fight on the raft your party is not only Terra/Tina, Edgar AND Sabin/Mash...but also BANON! A friggin multi-healer+super attack combo. Practically one of the best teams you ever GET in the game...

2 - The Opera house fight...I always go w/Locke, Edgar, & Sabin/Mash for the coin scene comment up on the Blackjack afterwards so it's a real cakewalk...plus, you just got Espers not too long ago! Someone should probably have Cure or Fire or Lightning...or at the very least the Esper Kirin's Summoning (Regen on the whole party) really helps to nullify his Acid Rain attack...

3 - The Blackjack fight...well, this one is really just a wash since Chupon/Typhoon just blows you away afterwards anyways...but if you can't beat Ultros at this point, you're pretty lame & probably shouldn't be attempting to go onto the Floating Island anyways...>_>

4 - The Relm fight...basically, there's not much to this, though it's the hardest of the bunch because of his use of...Ice 2? 3? I forget...maybe reflect? Or shell would help as well...but he still shouldn't be that tough at this time...and anyways, Relm pops up & kicks his ass by painting him a picture...go figure.

But, anyways, I thought he was cool cause whenever I fought him, his intro monologue ate up the time for my party's ATBs to fill up! HA!
Well, Ultros was kinda fun and I was happy fighting him BECAUSE he was a decent character. In fact, next to Kefka, he was my favourite enemy. And if I were to lose against him without getting serious, I'll have a problem with that.

My favourite fight would have to be the one where Relm paints his portrait. That was the best part of Magic Cav, in my opinion. (But having a wimpy character KOing a wimpy boss, kinda ironic, eh?)

Also, just because he's a difficult boss, that doesn't mean you should hate him. And just because he has an obnoxious attitude, that doesn't mean that you should disregard his strength.
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I forgot he actually existed! I remember the first fight on the raft and I remember thinking "This octupus reminds me of the janitor from Scrubs!"

No? Just me then...
He's never hard...and actually several times you practically have to WORK at losing to him...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. I easily took him down with no sweat broken, and I was jsut trying to fly through is battle as fast as possible to progress through the rest of the story. To me he seemed more like an obstacle rather than an enemy.
Ugh, I've just come across Ultros for the first time, haven't played it for ages and as soon as I got on the raft I remembered something annoying was due.

Bloody stupid octopus can bog right off.....he killed me 3 times -__-

So not looking forward to him cropping up again -__-
Bloody stupid octopus can bog right off.....he killed me 3 times -__-
The other three times are incredibly easy.
I like Ultros, with his stupid evil laughing and the funny yet stupid stuff he says. He is comic relief more than anything else.
Fraix said:
Ugh, I've just come across Ultros for the first time, haven't played it for ages and as soon as I got on the raft I remembered something annoying was due.

Haha, that cracked me up.

Yeah, I just sigh and think "whatever" whenever Ultros showed up. I remember thinking, "I should have known!" when he showed up at the Opera House. I didn't like him, but I didn't really hate him, either. He was just there.
Who doesn't like roast octopus? as soon as I saw him the first time, one thing came to mind: cast Fire! oh boy was I cracking when he screamed, and his dialogue is pretty funny. great evil/comic relief character.

The worst time i had with him was in the opera house, i hate running against the clock, and his bloody monologue stops me from beating the hell out of him before the time runs out. Oh well, he turned out to be not-so-bad in the arena, so I'm happy nonetheless.
I always like Ultros. I liked the battle against him and Chupon. It was always funny just seeing Ultros "command" Chupon, and Chupon just sort of sits there and takes it. It would of been great if he turned to Ultros and sneezed on him :D
I can't beleive how many times this guy cropped up :gasp:

Although after the first time I didn't mind too much because I didn't really struggle with him that much after that. Although the Opera House was a pain, I really DO hate time limits. And he didn't hlf waffle some cod shite :wacky: He just amused me by the end, lord kows how he got that job though.....
I liked that mate, he kept coming and get his ass kicked and then the mate brought his buddy who was also just like him >_<
Ultros was funny to fight, but he was also annoying, especially in the opera house, I got stuck on that bit, but I have to admit that he cracked me up. I don't even think the characters took him seriously either haha.